alairecomyn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Smithfield, Virginia

World’s Oldest Edible Ham

The nearly 120-year-old piece of pork wears a brass collar and was once a man's "pet ham."
Richmond, Virginia

Connecticut the Indian

The iconic statue was moved to a new spot overlooking the James river after several years as a mascot for the local baseball team.
Alexandria, Virginia

South Boundary Stone of Washington, DC

America's first federal monument.
Alexandria, Virginia

Wilkes Street Tunnel

This brick-lined pedestrian walkway was once a railway tunnel used during the Civil War.
Lorton, Virginia

Lucy Burns Museum

Located at the former Lorton Prison the Lucy Burns Museum tells the story of the 91 year history of the prison including the dark chapter of its involvement in the women's suffrage movement.
Manassas, Virginia

Ben Lomond Historic Site

Hear, smell, see, taste, and touch history at this immersive Civil War hospital.
Covington, Virginia

Humpback Bridge

The oldest arched-covered bridge in Virginia has truly withstood the test of time.
Alexandria, Virginia

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial

This stately building in Alexandria, Virginia was built by Freemasons to honor one of their most famous members.
Vienna, Virginia

Foxstone Park Bridge

A double agent hid information for the Soviet Union beneath this bridge for more than 20 years.
Vienna, Virginia

Dolhareubang of Meadowlark Gardens

Volcanic stone sentinels stand watch at a Korean Bell Garden in Virginia.
Herndon, Virginia

Nike Missile Launch Site W-83

An out-of-place Air Force radar dome is all that denotes this park as a former missile launch site.
Richmond, Virginia

Agecroft Hall and Gardens

A genuine Tudor manor transported piece by piece from England.
Marion, Virginia

The Octagon House

An eight-sided home built during a brief octagon craze in the 1850s.
Lynchburg, Virginia

The Pest House Medical Museum

A "hospital" where people went to be quarantined, die, and be buried in the yard.
Alexandria, Virginia

Gadsby's Tavern

This colonial tavern played host to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other famous early Americans.
Petersburg, Virginia

The Crater

An innovative attempt to break a siege in the American Civil War still scars the earth today.
Roanoke, Virginia

Miniature Graceland

An overgrown collection of miniature buildings still stand as evidence of one couple's obsession with The King.
Winchester, Virginia

Patsy Cline's Childhood Home and Grave

The Grand Ole Opry's big voice came from a small home in rural Virginia where she was eventually buried.
Alexandria, Virginia

George Washington's Distillery

The only place for a truly presidential dram.
Arlington, Virginia

Deep Throat Parking Garage

Parking garage where Bob Woodward met Watergate source "Deep Throat."
Williamsburg, Virginia

The Archaearium

This museum explores the grim reality of life in the earliest British colonies in America.
Staunton, Virginia

American Shakespeare Center's Blackfriars Playhouse

The only recreation of William Shakespeare's indoor playhouse.
Richmond, Virginia

Church Hill Tunnel

Under a playground is a little-known sealed train tunnel that likely contains the bodies of workers trapped by cave-ins.
McLean, Virginia

Patowmack Canal

The semi-reclaimed ruins of this canal were once part of an ambitious plan to reroute the mighty potomac.