alfx's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Rome, Italy

Anita Garibaldi Monument

The Italian revolutionary's legendary wife is portrayed on horseback waving a gun and holding her child in this memorial on the Janiculum.
Ortucchio, Italy

Fucino Space Centre

The largest civilian satellite control center in the world is located in the middle of a drained lake.
Rome, Italy

Wheel of the Exposed

An unremarkable wooden wheel built into the side of one of Rome's oldest hospitals was part of a policy to reduce infant exposure.
Rome, Italy

Museo Storico Nazionale Dell' Arte Sanitaria

One of the most important yet well-hidden museums dedicated to the history of medicine.
Genga, Italy

Temple of Valadier

This domed temple was built in a hidden cave mouth as a refuge for sinners seeking absolution.
Rovereto, Italy

Sacrario Militare di Castel Dante (Castel Dante War Memorial)

This war memorial holds the remains of around 20,000 World War I soldiers from both sides of the conflict.
Schilpario, Italy

Museo dell’Illuminazione Mineraria

A museum entirely dedicated to the evolution of mining lamps.
Triora, Italy

The Town Of Witches

The location of the last witch trials of Italy, known as "The Salem of Europe."
Balestrino, Italy

Balestrino Ghost Village

Abandoned medieval hill town.
Capriate San Gervasio, Italy

Crespi d’Adda Cemetery

A massive mausoleum towers over the gravestones in a 19th-century Italian "model village."
Vilminore di Scalve, Italy

Gleno Dam

The sinister ruins of one of the worst dam failures of the 20th century lie in this astonishing alpine setting.
Avezzano, Italy

Tunnels of Claudius

This Roman underground canal was the longest tunnel ever built until the late 19th-century.
Palermo, Italy

'Trionfo della Morte'

This uncanny fresco celebrating the "triumph of death" was split into four pieces to be moved to another museum.
Palermo, Italy

Qanat di Palermo

A network of underground water channels that dates back to the Middle Ages.
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Riace Bronzes

Two of the few remaining life-sized Greek bronzes were submerged in the sea for over 2,000 years.
Turin, Italy

Palazzo della Vittoria

This building was designed to celebrate Italy's victory in World War I.
Bergamo, Italy

'Living Skeletons Scenes'

Six paintings reminding you that death is integral part of everyday life.
Genoa, Italy

Civic Museum of Natural History Giacomo Doria

Genoa's collection of over 4 million zoological, botanical, and geological specimens from around the world.
Genoa, Italy

Palazzo San Giorgio

Once home to one of the oldest banks in the world, this building is also where Marco Polo's famous travelogue was written.
Genoa, Italy

Monteverde Angel

The "Mona Lisa" of funerary art.
Genoa, Italy

Ascensore Castello d'Albertis-Montegalletto

This peculiar Italian elevator runs both horizontally and vertically.
Genoa, Italy

Genoa Cathedral

This cathedral hides a sculpted dog that determines your fate and an unexploded shell from World War II.
Genoa, Italy

Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno

A stunning cemetery famous for its extraordinarily delicate & lifelike mourning sculptures.
Milan, Italy

Cimitero di Guerra di Milano (Milan War Cemetery)

A British Commonwealth cemetery in the heart of Milan, with 421 allied soldiers died during World War II.