andrewschepers's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Portland, Oregon

The Freakybuttrue Peculiarium

An emporium for the weird, creepy, rare, and just plain gross.
North St Paul, Minnesota

Studio Payne Oddities Shop

Admire the art and then buy a raccoon skull cleaned by flesh-eating beetles.
Phoenix, Arizona

Camelback Mountain

A geological mystery on Camelback Mountain.
St. Joseph, Minnesota

Saint John's Abbey Church

A jaw-dropping brutalist space church seems to have crash-landed in the middle of America.
Alexandria, Minnesota

Big Ole

America's largest viking stands in a Minnesota city that believes it was visited by the ancient nords.
Alexandria, Minnesota

Kensington Runestone

14th century Norse artifacts in Northwestern Minnesota could have proved a Viking landing before Columbus.
Lake Itasca, Minnesota

Headwaters of the Mississippi River

At this Minnesota state park you can easily wade across the source of the mighty Mississippi.
Bemidji, Minnesota

Paul Bunyan & Babe the Blue Ox

These crudely shaped folk giants may be the the second most photographed statues in the U.S.
Darwin, Minnesota

World's Largest Ball of Twine Rolled by One Man

17,400 lbs., 12 feet in diameter, and 29 years in the making.
Little Falls, Minnesota

Charles A. Lindbergh House

Falcon Heights, Minnesota

Bell Museum

This taxidermic smorgasbord was co-created by an artist poached from the Museum of Natural History.
Regent, North Dakota

Enchanted Highway Sculptures

One man's quest to save his town with a trail of record-breaking sculptures.
Duluth, Minnesota

Glensheen Historic Estate

This posh mansion began as a family's estate and ended as the site of a murder ripped from the pages of a pulp novel.
Two Harbors, Minnesota

Split Rock Lighthouse

This picturesque cliffside beacon no longer calls to sailors but shines once a year in honor of a famous shipwreck.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Minnesota Shoe Tree

No one's quite sure where this quirky university tradition originated.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Stone Arch Bridge

The only arched bridge made of stone on the entire Mississippi River.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Spoonbridge and Cherry

A toweringly silly piece of modern art has been delighting locals since the 1980s.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory (Como Park)

Home to the Amorphophallus titanum "Corpse Flower," which is among the largest flowers in the world and also smells powerfully of rotting flesh when in bloom.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Ax-Man Surplus

The Midwest's reigning king of surplus stores is full of nothing you need and everything you want.
Los Angeles, California

Venice of America Canals

After starting as a whimsical tourist attraction that eventually found its way to ruin, these renovated canals offer a lush and exotic locale on the Pacific Coast.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Labor Temple

This historic hub for labor unions has survived the city's changing landscape.
Seattle, Washington

Fort Lawton

This Puget Sound military post has a long, turbulent history as a gateway to the Pacific.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.