ashie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Creetown, Scotland

Glenquicken Stone Circle

A gap marks the spot where a now-missing stone once completed the circular arrangement at this Neolithic site.
Burravoe, Scotland

The Old Haa's Inuksuit Collection

These sculptures common among indigenous populations in North America, celebrate Shetland's unique geology.
Garderhouse, Scotland

Da Gairdins

The main feature of these gardens is a rarity in the northernmost part of Scotland: trees.
Canonbie, Scotland

Gilnockie Tower

This 16th-century tower house has a little hidden secret and a connection to an Apollo astronaut.
Dundee, Scotland

Wishart Arch

Atop this arch, during the 16th-century, a sermon was given to those suffering from plague.
Monreith, Scotland

Barsalloch Fort

A 2,000-year-old Iron Age fort offers stunning ocean views.
Bigton, Scotland

St Ninian's Chapel

This former chapel resides on an island connected to the mainland by one of Shetland's iconic beachy tombolos.
Fala, Scotland

Soutra Aisle

The ruins of a world-renowned medieval hospital.
Wigtown, Scotland

Torhouse Stone Circle

A circle made up of 19 boulders has stood in Scotland's Bladnoch Valley for some 4,000 years.
Gourock, Scotland

Granny Kempock Standing Stone

An urban megalith steeped in local lore.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Ayres of Swinister

The recurring nature of this geographic feature might make it unique in the world.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Fairy Flag of Dunvegan Castle

Inside a Scottish castle hangs the tattered remains of a flag with murky origins and supposed magic powers.
Ardchattan, Scotland

Ardchattan Priory

A private home envelops the ruins of this 13th-century priory.
Dumfries, Scotland

Big Water of Fleet Viaduct

This 900-foot structure with 20 arches crossing a Scottish river was built in the late 19th century.
Glentrool, Scotland

Martyrs' Tomb Glen Trool

A square stone tomb marks the spot where six men were killed while holding a service in Caldoris Wood.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Aikey Brae Stone Circle

Considered "the most original, complete, and unimproved" circles in Aberdeenshire.
Isle of Islay, Scotland

Dunyvaig Castle

It's believed a castle existed at this site since the 12th century.
Melrose, Scotland

The Rhymer's Stone

It's said that at this location, a Scottish poet met the Queen of the Fairies.
Inverness, Scotland

Old High Church Kirkyard

The oldest church in Inverness witnessed the brutal executions of many Scottish soldiers.
Glentrool, Scotland

Bruce's Stone

On a hill overlooking Loch Trool, a granite boulder marks the site where Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, defeated an English army.
Dunmore, Scotland

Elphinstone Tower

Built in the 16th century, the tower is now in ruins.
Sorbie, Scotland

Sorbie Tower

This fortified L-shaped tower is the ancient seat of clan Hannay.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Witch's Skull

One of the city's oldest pubs displays a skull said to belong to the country's last witch burned at the stake.
Tiroran, Scotland

The Fossil Tree and Burg

On a corner of the Ardmeanach peninsula on the Isle of Mull, a 50 million-year-old fossil tree hides in the coastal cliffs.