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Stockholm, Sweden


A traveling Bronze Age sacrificial stone that was used to honor elves, fairies, and other woodland spirits.
Uppsala, Sweden

Urdar's Well and Yggdrasil

Legend says this fabled well held part of a mythical Norse tree.
Gävle, Sweden

Gs 13 Runestone

A Viking man's tribute to his brother stands in Gävle's oldest church.
Hökåsen-Badelunda, Sweden


This patch of land is home to Sweden's largest burial mound, allegedly belonging to a mythical king.
Boge, Sweden

Tjelvar's Grave

A Bronze Age stone ship said to be the grave of the mythical founder of Gotland.
Lund NO, Sweden

Gryteskogen Troll Trees

This collection of Dwarf beech trees were once believed to be enchanted trolls in disguise.
Mörbylånga, Sweden

Sandby Borg Ringfort

Archaeologists are still unraveling the secrets of the brutal massacre that wiped out this ancient fort.
Torslanda, Sweden

Tumlehed Rock Paintings

Sweden's southernmost prehistoric rock art is hidden just outside Gothenburg.
Uppsala, Sweden

Runestone in Gamla Uppsala Church

This mysterious runestone embedded in a church wall is linked to the medieval cult of Saint Erik.
Uppsala, Sweden

Royal Mounds of Gamla Uppsala

Ancient burial grounds of the wealthy.
Gnisvärd, Sweden

Gnisvärd Stone Ships

Ancient stone graves shaped like ships provided a Viking-like burial to carry the dead to the afterlife.
Visby, Sweden

Galgberget Gallows

This trio of stone spires claims to be the only preserved medieval execution site in Europe.
Strängnäs, Sweden

The Lion of Gripsholm Castle

This wonky bit of historical taxidermy is experiencing a second life online.
Simrishamn, Sweden

Prästens Badkar (The Priests Bathtub)

The world's only above water sand volcano, believed to once be the bathtub of a priest.
Eskilstuna, Sweden

Sigurdsristningen (Sigurd Carving)

Stone carvings record the Norse myth of Sigurd, providing a glimpse into Scandinavia's transition from paganism to Christianity.
Tanumshede, Sweden

Rock Carvings in Tanum

Despite the groans of archaeologists, this astounding groups of Bronze Age petroglyphs have been painted red for tourists.
Stockholm, Sweden

Arlanda Airport Runestone

An 11th-century runestone decorates the halls of Terminal 2 of this Scandinavian travel hub.
Karlshamn N, Sweden

Jättegrytorna i Tararp (The Tarap Giant Kettles)

A geological wonder that helped fuel myths of trolls and giants.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Royal Armoury

A king's bloodstained shirt is among the gruesome collection of artifacts displayed below Stockholm's Royal Palace.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vikingaliv Runestone

Outside a Viking museum sits a modern-day runestone made by a Swedish runemaster using traditional methods.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Ragnhildsholmen Castle Ruin

This castle ruin in the middle of nowhere is a gem for wildlife enthusiasts.
Kungsbacka, Sweden

Li Grave Stones

Iron Age grave stones and Viking burials, a short drive from Gothenburg.
Ekerö V, Sweden

Björn Järnsidas Hög (Björn Ironsides Mound)

The suspected burial mound of legendary Viking Björn Ironside.
Ödeshög, Sweden

Rök Rune Stone

This encrypted monolith protected a secret of Norse mythology by hiding in a church wall for over a millennium.