ashie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Swan Islands

Remote Honduran Islands with a colorful history.
Copán Ruinas, Honduras

Hieroglyphic Stairway of Copán

This staircase full of Mayan hieroglyphics is perhaps the largest single text in the world.
El Jalacate, Nicaragua

Carvings of El Jalacate

Located in the mountains of Nicaragua, one man has spent most of life beautifying a massive cliff by hand.
Anton Valley, Panama

Valley of Square Trees

Right angles in the forests of Panama.
Panama City, Panama

Ancon Hill, República de Panamá

A pocket of jungle amidst urban expansion in Panama.
Panama City, Panama

Mercado De Abastos

A huge, bustling local market in Panama City.
Ston, Croatia

Walls of Ston

Longest fortress system anywhere in Europe.
Brištane, Croatia

Visovac Monastery

This picturesque medieval monastery guards a small trove of historic treasures.
Pula, Croatia

Pula Arena

One of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters is still used today, but for less brutal events.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Maskeron

Gargoyle head that brings good luck.
Split, Croatia

UNESCO-Protected SPAR Supermarket

When a supermarket opened up shop within a medieval building it became protected by UNESCO on a technicality.
Jablanac, Croatia

Jablanac Shipwreck

The remains of a sunken military ship wreck visible through clear water.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hotel Belvedere

The complex has been abandoned since the Croatian War of Independence, barring a stint as a set for 'Game of Thrones.'
Duzluk, Croatia

Ružica Grad

Legend has it fairies gathered at the site of this medieval castle.
Šibenik, Croatia

St. Nicholas Fortress

Large, airy hallways hide within an impenetrable fortress that beckons urban explorers.
Zadar, Croatia

Sea Organ

A musical instrument played by the sea.
Komiža, Croatia

Blue Cave of Bisevo

An ethereal glowing blue ocean cave in Croatia.
Plitvička Jezera, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes

A chain of 16 wondrous lakes formed as a result of the gradual dissolution of soluble layers of bedrock.
Onogur, Bulgaria

Palmatis Ruins

On the outskirts of the small village, an abandoned grassy field glitters thanks to the white stones of an ancient structure.
Devetaki, Bulgaria

Devetashka Cave

A massive cave once a secret military base is now home to thousands of bats.
Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Rose Museum

Said to be the only museum in the world dedicated to the most classic of all blooms, the rose.

Krushuna Falls

These cascading falls resonate throughout the Bulgarian forest.
Kaspichan, Bulgaria

Madara Rider

Rock carving created 1,300 years ago 75 feet off the ground.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Necropolis of St. Sophia Church

Underneath this Byzantinian church lies a necropolis filled with ancient tombs and the ruins of previous churches.