ashie's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Namib Sand Sea

A desert that rolls right up to the ocean, where it's so dry animals live off the fog.

Eduard Bohlen Shipwreck

Far from the shore, this sandy victim of the Skeleton Coast looks like it was plopped in the middle of the desert.

Kolmanskop Ghost Town

The remains of diamond fever taken over by the desert.
Sossusvlei, Namibia

Dead Vlei

This "dead marsh" sits among the largest sand dunes in the world, a forest frozen in time.
Beira, Mozambique

Macuti Lighthouse and Shipwreck

This rusted shipwreck directly in front of a century-old abandoned lighthouse looks almost surreal.
Maputo, Mozambique

Maputo Natural History Museum

From neon green watering holes to bleached elephant foetuses, this Mozambique museum makes natural history weird.
Gorongosa, Mozambique

The Lion House

When humans abandoned this safari lodge, the lions took over.
Tangier, Morocco

Roman Punic Necropolis

Ancient Phoenician and Roman tombs carved into the rock overlook the Moroccan coastline.
Tangier, Morocco

Tomb of Ibn Batutta

The tomb of one of the greatest travelers in history.
Tamellalt, Morocco

Monkey Fingers

Within the Dadès Gorge, amazing vistas and towering cliff faces can be seen at each new curve and bend in the road.
Berkane, Morocco

Taforalt (Cave of Pigeons)

This Paleolithic cave may be the oldest cemetery in North Africa.
Akchour, Morocco

The God's Bridge

Reaching this rock formation involves a hike through rocky rapids and springs where wild turtles reproduce.
Aoussift, Morocco

Les Roches Peintes

In this desolate valley resides a gorgeous set of rocks sporting a technicolor design.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jarjeer Mule And Donkey Refuge

This sanctuary is home to donkeys who finally get to rest after a life of toil.
Rabat, Morocco

Kasbah of the Udayas

Morocco’s modern capital was once a haven for Barbary pirates, who went so far as to establish a republic of their own.
Tétouan, Morocco

Medina of Tétouan

At this faithfully preserved medina off the Moroccan tourist circuit you can walk through six centuries of history in one day.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Musée de La Femme (Women’s Museum)

North Africa's first museum of its kind preserves the culture of Moroccan women and their artistic achievements. 
Larache, Morocco

The Site of The Garden of the Hesperides

A mythical garden that once grew the golden apples of wisdom is said to have existed in this ancient Moroccan city.
Ouzoud, Morocco

Ouzoud Falls

One of the tallest waterfalls in Africa is also home to a population of monkeys who enjoy the waters and the occasional guest.
Essaouira, Morocco

Tide Pools of Essaouira

Vast stretch of tide-pools with a unique Moroccan charm.
Fez, Morocco

The Blue Gate of Fes

The other side is actually green.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Saadian Tombs

Deliberately hidden for centuries, the magnificent Saadian Tombs were eventually uncovered in 1917.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Ben Youssef Madrasa

The largest madrasa in Morocco once housed more than 900 students within its exquisite walls.
Meknes, Morocco

Volubilis Archaeological Site

Mosaics, storks, and brothels—this ancient city has it all.