atlasobscura cc08e2ed's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Chartres, France
Places visited in Salamanca, Spain
Places visited in La Palma, Spain
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Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Saint Maria Adelaide

An honorary saint of the people, Maria Adelaide became an incorrupt corpse, the clothes intact, exhaling “a strong scent of roses.”
Arcozelo, Portugal

Capela do Senhor da Pedra

Picturesque intersection of witchcraft and ancient Christianity.
Porto, Portugal

Sao Bento Station

Elaborate tile work in this railway station tells the story of Portugal.
Porto, Portugal

McDonald's Imperial

This restored Portuguese cafe may well be the most beautiful place in the world to grab a Big Mac.
Porto, Portugal

Banco de Materiais (Bank of Materials)

Building owners can take out tiles for free at this repository for historic building materials.
Porto, Portugal

Carmo and Carmelitas Churches

A hidden three-foot-wide house separates these two regal churches.
Porto, Portugal

Livraria Lello

One of the most beautiful bookstores in the world hides a neo-Gothic interior behind an art nouveau facade.
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

'Half Rabbit'

This giant sculpture made of trash is a critique of society's wastefulness.

Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Seiça

The crumbling ruins of an abandoned 12th-century monastery.
Fátima, Portugal

Pegadas de Dinossáurios da Serra de Aire Natural Monument

The ancient sauropod tracks found in this former quarry are some of the largest in the world.
Évora, Portugal

Almendres Cromlech

"Portugal's Stonehenge" is made up of nut-like stones aligned with the heavens.
La Palma, Spain

Fuencaliente Saltworks

The largest salt farm in the Canary Islands is located at the foot of an active volcano.
La Palma, Spain

Roque Idafe (Idafe Rock)

Indigenous cultures believed all life would end if this enormous rock toppled.
La Palma, Spain

Real Santuario Insular de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves (Royal Island Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snows)

The oldest Marian image in the Canary Islands still impresses people nearly half a millennium later.
La Palma, Spain

La Fajana Natural Pools

You can soak in three relaxing pools filled daily by the tide.
La Palma, Spain

Gran Telescopio Canarias

The world's largest single-aperture telescope resides in the Canary Islands.
La Palma, Spain

The Black Beaches of La Palma

Volcanic rocks ground down into sand make this Spanish beach as black as night.
La Palma, Spain

Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

This mountaintop observatory is home to one of the world's largest reflective telescopes.
La Palma, Spain

Roque de los Muchachos Helicopter Pads

The four landings commemorate a royal visit to Europe's biggest observatory.
La Palma, Spain

Volcán de Tajogaite

The longest eruption in the history of La Palma originated with this volcano in September 2021.
La Palma, Spain

The Colorful Balconies of Avenida Maritima

These wooden balconies that are both decorative and functional.
Santa Cruz de la Palma, Spain

Monumento a el Enano (Monument to the Dwarf)

A statue commemorating the island's tradition of dancing dwarves in Napoleon hats.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
El Médano, Spain

'Vertebración y Desvertebración'

These sandstone replicas of a whale spine represent the history and culture of the Canary Islands.