Avocado28's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Şuşa, Azerbaijan

Hunot Gorge

A scenic canyon with thick forests and historic ruins.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Yanar Dağ (Fire Mountain)

Mysterious hillside with a continuously burning natural fire.
Herat, Afghanistan

Herat National Museum

Despite a history of destruction, this former citadel survives to document Afghanistan's oft overlooked history.
Kabul, Afghanistan

Darul Aman Palace

What was once supposed to be the symbol of a shining Afghan future is now a bombed-out ruin.
Kandahar, Afghanistan

Chilzina and the Forty Steps of Kandahar

Rock-cut chamber at top of an outcroup, reached by a mountain stairway of forty steps.
Yakawlang, Afghanistan

Band-e Amir Lakes

Splashes of blue in an otherwise monotonous lunar landscape.

Allan Hills

An ice field known for harboring an infamous Martian meteorite turned out to contain the oldest air on Earth.

Esperanza Base

The birthplace of the very first human resident born in Antarctica.

Marie Byrd Land

The largest piece of no man's land left on Earth.

Don Juan Pond

Scientists use one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth as a terrestrial base for studying water on Mars.

McMurdo Dry Valleys

One of the most extreme deserts in the world, these snow-free valleys harbor life, despite the hostile environment.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

McMurdo Station

Antarctica's bustling metropolis, originally established by Richard E. Byrd.

IceCube Research Station

The world's largest neutrino telescope searches for secrets of the universe at the South Pole.
King George Island, Antarctica

Villa Las Estrellas

One of only two civilian settlements in the desolate lands of chilly Antarctica.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Erebus Ice Tongue Caves

Southern Ocean waters and glacial forces transform the Antarctic ice into these stunning bridges and caves.
King George Island, Antarctica

Trinity Church on King George Island

Russian Orthodox church built on an Antarctic island.

Antarctic Exploration Museum & Post Office

The best place to send your postcards home from Antarctica.

Mount Erebus

Fire meets ice at the southernmost volcano on Earth.

Blood Falls

Natural time capsule containing an alien ecosystem.
Chivhu, Zimbabwe

Daramombe Rock Paintings

Several ancient rock paintings can be found on the hills surrounding the Daramombe High School.
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe

Chinhoyi Caves

The stunningly blue waters of these beautiful caves also have a violent past.
Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe

The largest prehistoric ruins south of the Sahara, once a powerful center of international trade.
Luwingu, Zambia

Lufubu Falls

A small but beautiful waterfall hidden away in the north of Zambia.
Mporokoso, Zambia

Chilubula Mission

The first Catholic Mission to the Bemba people of Zambia still stands.