bastiengral's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Goodwin's Court

An easily overlooked stretch of ornate window fronts and gaslight lamps that could be right from the pages of Dickens.
Chester, England

Chester Rows

Mysteriously stacked storefront paths give this medieval British town an iconic style like none other.
London, England

Stables Market

Catacombs turned marketplace.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Burke & Hare Murder Dolls

Tiny effigies of the victims of Edinburgh's famous Anatomy Murders.
London, England

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

A historic London cemetery now serves as a nature park incorporating gravestones & memorial statues.
London, England

Ruined Victorian Folly

Remnants of a Victorian garden feature sitting in public woodland.
London, England

The Wildgoose Memorial Library

A mysterious artist-run cabinet of curiosities and library.
Devon, England

Wistman's Wood

This tangled English forest looks like something right out of a fairytale.

Dennis Severs' House

A historic house left in "dramatic still life."
Roslin, Scotland

Rosslyn Chapel

A church that bred legends, and served as an inspiration for the Da Vinci Code.
Drymen, Scotland

Buchanan Castle

This castle was established by the 4th Duke of Montrose and is connected to the Buchanan Clan.
London, England

Old Operating Theatre Museum & Herb Garret

In this cobwebbed old operating theater, you can practically hear the screams of the unanesthetized patients.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
London, England

Traffic Light Tree

A student driver's nightmare.
London, England

The Old Curiosity Shop

The quaint little store that is said to have inspired a famous Dickens novel was only given its name after the book was released.
London, England

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies

A special shop catering to the needs of things that go bump in the night, and also helps kids become writers.
London, England

Nunhead Cemetery

A vast overgrown cemetery, once known as one of London's "Magnificent Seven."
Tintagel, England

Tintagel Castle

A fantastic castle rumored to be the birthplace of King Arthur.

Maunsell Army Sea Forts

Surreal riveted sea forts once protected the Kent shores from German attack.
London, England

Wellcome Collection & Library

The curios of pharmacist and collector Henry Wellcome.
London, England

Lullaby Factory

Wedged between two buildings at the Great Ormond Street Hospital is this secret music installation.
Whitby, England

Ruins of Whitby Abbey

The gloomy ruins that inspired Bram Stoker to bring Dracula to life.
London, England

Grant Museum of Zoology

The only university zoological museum in London houses extinct animals, bizarre natural history specimens, and a Micrarium of microscopic creatures.
London, England

The King's Cross Ice Well

A subterranean ice warehouse that has lain hidden beneath central London for over a century is now open to the public.