Beatrice's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chicago, Illinois

Historic Garfield Station Entrance

The original Garfield station is the oldest station facility on the "L", with the station house dating from 1892.
Chicago, Illinois

Chopin Theatre

Theater has had many different incarnations but has survived the ravages of time.
Chicago, Illinois

Rosenberg Statue

A goddess-topped water fountain in Chicago was created thanks to the dreams of a thirsty newsboy.
Chicago, Illinois

Calumet Fisheries

One of Chicago's last seafood smokehouses perfects a dying breed of fishcraft.
Chicago, Illinois

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Orthodox church partially financed by Tsar Nicolas II.
Chicago, Illinois

Michael's Museum

A curious collection of miniatures in a quiet corner of the Chicago Children's Museum.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park

Once called the "Polish Gold Coast" it is an icon of the neighborhood that bears its same name.
Chicago, Illinois

The Garfield-Clarendon Model Railroad Club

This small, but long-running hobby club has built one of the largest model rail lines in the US.
Chicago, Illinois

95th Street Bridge

This urban drawbridge gained eternal pop culture fame when the Blues Brothers jumped it while it was raised.
Chicago, Illinois

Heald Square Monument's Statue of Liberty

The iconic Chicago sculpture hides a beautiful and easily overlooked plaque on the backside.
Chicago, Illinois

Haymarket Square

Home to a protest movement, a bombing, and a dramatic change in labor history.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
Chicago, Illinois

Great Train Story Diorama

This $3 million model train takes you through Chicago, Seattle, and the thousands of miles in between.
Chicago, Illinois

Stained Glass at Navy Pier

A display of magnificent stained glass windows is the first exhibit of its kind.
Chicago, Illinois

Gullivers Pizza

Pizza with a side of fine art.
Chicago, Illinois

Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room

Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler.
Chicago, Illinois

Palmer House Hilton

This historic hotel invented the chocolate brownie.
Chicago, Illinois

Dusty Groove

Internationally known record store and purveyor of "dusties."
Chicago, Illinois

Rosehill Cemetery

Chicago's largest cemetery is full of beautiful Victorian monuments and more than a few ghost stories.
Park Ridge, Illinois

American Science & Surplus

A science teacher's dream.