Ben Diamond's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mölndal, Sweden

The Waterfall of Kvarnbyn Mölndal

Once the center of power for the region's various factories.
Älvdalen S, Sweden

Njupeskärs Vattenfall

Believed to be the country's tallest waterfall, the Njupeskär is actually much smaller.
Kramfors N, Sweden

Bålberget Memorial

This serene wooded hilltop has a dark history as the climactic point of the Swedish witch trials.
Västerås SO, Sweden

Västerås Historiska Skeppsmuseum (Västerås Historical Ship Museum)

This museum of Viking vessels allows visitors to take a replica out for a spin.
Uppsala, Sweden

'Thing of all Swedes' Mound

The official meeting point for the oddly named governing assembly of ancient Sweden.
Lycksele, Sweden

Lycksele Ice Pillar

This small town's local tradition is to create the world's tallest ice pillar.
Torslanda, Sweden

Tumlehed Rock Paintings

Sweden's southernmost prehistoric rock art is hidden just outside Gothenburg.
Hjärup, Sweden


This cobblestoned medieval-style town was entirely constructed in the 1990s and 2000s.

Lummelunda Cave

This fantastic cave remained unexplored until 1948 when three schoolboys discovered a hidden entrance.
Kvarntorp, Sweden

A Pile of Art

An eclectic sculpture park rises atop a giant pile of ashes in Sweden.
Karlshamn N, Sweden

Jättegrytorna i Tararp (The Tarap Giant Kettles)

A geological wonder that helped fuel myths of trolls and giants.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Ragnhildsholmen Castle Ruin

This castle ruin in the middle of nowhere is a gem for wildlife enthusiasts.


Largest island in the Baltic Sea experiences such idyllic weather that roses bloom in the middle of December.
Åkraberg, Sweden

Borrås Skåra

Walking through this narrow gorge will make you feel like you've fallen into a fairytale landscape.
Malmö, Sweden

Øresund Bridge

This chimerical bridge/tunnel appears to dead end right into the sea.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Gildeskål, Norway

Uredd Rest Area (Ureddplassen)

Norway has built what may be the world's most beautiful public toilet.
Pilane, Sweden

Skulptur i Pilane

This Swedish sculpture park is a unique combination of ancient ruins and modern art.