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Klagenfurt, Austria


The world's most important buildings shrunk to a tiny size.
Vienna, Austria

Wien Museum Hermesvilla

A gift from Emperor Franz Joseph I to his wife.
Vienna, Austria


Along the edge of this fountain are 365 smaller fountains that represent the days of the year.
Salzburg, Austria


Amidst medieval and baroque buildings, five human-sized gherkins stand tall.
Salzburg, Austria

Mozart's Skull

Mozart's skull may be held in this collection, but definitive proof continues to elude scientists.
Gemeinde Sankt Florian, Austria

St. Florian Ossuary

The personal charnel house of Anton Bruckner.
Graz, Austria

Burgruine Gösting (Gösting Castle Ruins)

The shell of a medieval fortress offers commanding views of the area it once protected.
Herrnbaumgarten, Austria


The world's largest collection of intentionally useless inventions.
Salzburg, Austria

Zwerglgarten (Dwarf Garden)

Ugly 18th-century dwarf statues living in a perfectly landscaped Austrian garden.
Linz, Austria


Ride a dragon train into a world of dwarves.
Eggenburg, Austria

Eggenburg Charnel

Artfully arranged bones of 5,800 Austrians.
Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt Charnel House

An Austrian house of bones filled with hundreds of intricately painted skulls.
Riegersburg, Austria

Riegersburg Castle

A centuries old castle atop a dormant volcano houses museums devoted to both women and witches.
Vienna, Austria

Kunstkammer Wien

The Habsburgs' royal collections of art and wonders.
Vienna, Austria

Ungarisches Haus (Hungarian House)

The townhouse where the "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory started her murderous career.
Vienna, Austria

Wolf and Cow Playing Backgammon Mural

A silly medieval mural preserved on the side of a Viennese house.
Vienna, Austria

Naturhistorisches Museum

Beautiful Austrian natural history museum with carved ceilings and row after row of ancient taxidermy.
Vienna, Austria

Flohmarkt Lager

Inside the corridors of this flea market, visitors are sure to find some obscure and odd treasures.
Vienna, Austria

Cemetery of the Nameless

The resting place for anonymous victims of the Danube's dark waters.
Vienna, Austria


Located right outside of Vienna, visitors can take in expansive views of an ethereal forest.
Vienna, Austria

Sigmund Freud Museum

The former private quarters and office of Dr. Sigmund Freud now hosts a museum housing the works of the founding father of psychoanalysis.
Vienna, Austria


Dine amidst exotic plants at this former royal greenhouse.
Vienna, Austria

The Narrenturm

This former insane asylum now holds a pathological anatomy museum.
Vienna, Austria


Macabre museum devoted to historical Viennese murders.