blkbourdain's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.

Red Chair

A giant red chair bolted to a rock on a remote mossy hillside in Iceland.

Namib Sand Sea

A desert that rolls right up to the ocean, where it's so dry animals live off the fog.
Victoria Falls, Zambia

Devil's Swimming Pool

The world's highest and most dangerous infinity pool lies at the precipice of Victoria Falls.
Malindi, Kenya

Gedi Ruins

Abandoned city hidden from the world by tropical forest and isolation on the coast of Kenya.
Monrovia, Liberia

Abandoned Ducor Hotel

Empty since 1989, now falling into ruin.
Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok Airplane Graveyard

Derelict airplane bodies serve as both home and income for three Thai families.
Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok's Ghost Tower: The Sathorn Unique

On stormy days debris from this unfinished and abandoned skyscraper rains down on the Bangkok streets.
Jodhpur, India

The Blue City of Jodhpur

Once an indicator of social class, the color blue has come to define this city on the edge of the Thar Desert.
Jaipur, India

Hanuman’s Temple

Sacred Indian temple that’s all monkey business.
Jaipur, India

Jal Mahal

More than half of this Indian palace is drowned but it looks all the more spectacular for it.
Jaipur, India

Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds)

The 953 windows undoubtedly make this the world's most beautiful screened porch.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Shofuso Japanese House and Garden

Philadelphia boasts one of the best — and most often overlooked — traditional Japanese gardens in North America.
Panjin Shi, China

Red Beach

A part of the world's largest marsh seems to be growing bright red Martian grass.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Shan

A total of 999 stairs lead visitors through a massive hole in a mountain known as the Gateway to Heaven.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary

World's first "penitentiary," meant to be humane, drove men insane.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia's Magic Gardens

A layered tribute to the work of mosaicist Isaiah Zagar.

Abandoned Djúpavík Herring Factory

This rusting remnant of the local herring industry is being given a second life.

Garðar BA 64

The oldest steel ship in Iceland has been beached for years and is now a rusting ruin.
Seydisfjordur, Iceland

'How's It Going?' Phone Booth

An isolated, rusty phone booth commemorates Iceland's first international telegraph cable.
Grindavík, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.
Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland

Drangsnes Hot Tubs

A trio of hidden hot tubs takes advantage of Iceland's natural geothermal vents.