krisztahorvath77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Dusseldorf, Germany
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Vatican City

Stufetta del Bibbiena

The Vatican's secret porn-festooned bathroom was painted in erotic murals by one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance.
Knokke-Heist, Belgium


A garden of flying flowers.
Moorslede, Belgium


This Belgian theme park began as a refuge for bored church children and was closed down when a boy lost an arm.
Bruges, Belgium

Secret Garden of Bruges

You would never come across this tiny green oasis if you didn't know it existed.
Charleroi, Belgium

Power Plant IM

The vast chamber inside this abandoned cooling tower looks like something out of a sci-fi dystopia.

Vennbahn Cycleway

Walk or bike along a narrow strip of Belgium sandwiched by German territory.
Antwerp, Belgium

Semini Sculpture

This heavily worn bas-relief was once an honored fertility symbol.
Antwerp, Belgium

The Whisperer

This interactive sculpture allows visitors to leave a message in case a friend passes by.
Laakdal, Belgium

Nike Laakdal Wind Park

Six turbines towering over a wide road for passersby.
Tervuren, Belgium

Bandundu Water Jazz Band

A jazz band formed by African water animals in the heart of Flemish Brabant.
Liège, Belgium

Tour Cybernétique (Cybernetic Tower)

Nicolas Schöffer's massive interactive sculpture was assembled in 1961 and brought back online in 2016.
Ostend, Belgium

Amandine Museum Ship

The last Oostende trawler to fish off Iceland is now a museum.
Antwerp, Belgium

Lange Wapper Statue

This legendary giant, born from vegetables, terrorized townspeople and cheated local children in games.
Tournai, Belgium

Belfry of Tournai

After the construction of a nearby cathedral obstructed the view, the oldest belfry in Belgium was more than doubled in height.
Diksmuide, Belgium

Vladslo German Military Cemetery

Visitors to this Belgium graveyard are greeted by the grieving stone parents of the young men lost to war.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Cemetery

In the shadow of a former battleground, the resting place for nearly 2,000 soldiers who died in World War I.
Brussels, Belgium

National Museum of the Resistance

This museum is housed in an unassuming building that witnessed one of the most daring feats of satire in modern history.
Plombières, Belgium

Gare De Montzen

Abandoned since 1998, this train station has become an oasis for urban explorers.
Brussels, Belgium

Cemetery Dieweg

Nature is slowly overtaking this disused cemetery on the outskirts of Brussels.
Heuvelland, Belgium

Hotel Kosmos

This old, abandoned hotel offers magnificent views.
Le Roeulx, Belgium

Strépy-Thieu Boat Lift

The world's tallest boat lift stands as a massive piece of industrial tourism.
Antwerp, Belgium

Hand of Druon Antigoon

The legendary giant's severed hand sits on Antwerp's popular shopping street.
Dinant, Belgium

The Charles de Gaulle Saxophone Bridge

A whimsical bridge uses saxophones to pay tribute to two great men and the European Union.
Mons, Belgium

The Passenger

A 141-foot wave of crashing lumber guards the entrance to the Grand Place in Mons.