cameronpayson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tangier, Morocco

Roman Punic Necropolis

Ancient Phoenician and Roman tombs carved into the rock overlook the Moroccan coastline.
Tangier, Morocco

Tangier Seaside Cliff Steps

Known to backpackers as the "Steps of Doom," this walkway carved into the side of a seaside cliff leads to the Roman Tombs.
Tangier, Morocco

Caves of Hercules

Along the most northwestern point in Africa is an ancient cave surrounded by legends.
Larache, Morocco

The Site of The Garden of the Hesperides

A mythical garden that once grew the golden apples of wisdom is said to have existed in this ancient Moroccan city.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jardin Majorelle

It took 40 years to build this Eden-like garden in Marrakech, later restored by Yves Saint-Laurent.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jemaa el-Fna Square

Fortune tellers, snake charmers, poets, and storytellers all gather on this historic square in Morocco.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Musée de La Femme (Women’s Museum)

North Africa's first museum of its kind preserves the culture of Moroccan women and their artistic achievements. 
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jarjeer Mule And Donkey Refuge

This sanctuary is home to donkeys who finally get to rest after a life of toil.
Essaouira, Morocco

Tide Pools of Essaouira

Vast stretch of tide-pools with a unique Moroccan charm.
Tamri, Morocco

The Tree Goats of Morocco

Morocco's Argania trees are infested with nut-hungry goats.
Ouadane, Mauritania

Ouadane Mosque

This remarkably well-preserved mosque stands amid an 11th-century caravansary.
Chinguetti, Mauritania

Old Mosque

An architectural relic that survived the hands of time.
Chinguetti, Mauritania

The Libraries of Chinguetti

Five ancient libraries, little changed for centuries, preserve a medieval archive of Quranic lore and civic documents
Choum, Mauritania

Mauritania Railway

Climb atop one of the world's longest and heaviest trains for an unbelievable journey across the Sahara Desert.
Teguise, Spain

El Diablo Restaurant

The chefs at El Diablo use heat generated by an active volcano to cook the food.
Yaiza, Spain

Green Lagoon

This beautifully verdant lagoon is tucked below a massive volcano in a crater atop a black pebble beach.
Playa Blanca, Spain

Museo Atlántico

A completely underwater art museum sends a stark message about humans' impact on the environment.
Abades, Spain

Abandoned Leper Colony of Arico

An unexpected ghost village lurks on the southeast coast of Tenerife.
Güímar, Spain

Pyramids of Guimar

Lava stone structures possibly dating back to the 19th century may have been a stopping point for voyagers between ancient Egypt and the Mayan Civilization.
El Hierro, Spain

Cueva Volcánica de Orchilla (Orchilla Lava Tube)

An untouched lava tube accessible to the adventurers.
La Palma, Spain

Pirámide de Vandama

A pre-Hispanic pyramid in the middle of a tourist district in the Canary Islands.
La Palma, Spain

The Black Beaches of La Palma

Volcanic rocks ground down into sand make this Spanish beach as black as night.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
La Palma, Spain

Sunken Crosses of Malpique

This underwater graveyard commemorates a group of murdered 16th-century missionaries.