Cara Giaimo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Jonesport, Maine
Places added to Manteo, North Carolina
Places visited in United States / Canada
Places added to Outer Hebrides, Scotland
Places edited in Nye County, Nevada
Places edited in Visby, Sweden
Places added to Quito, Ecuador
Places edited in Vanuatu
Places edited in Pacifica, California
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Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Zoological Museum

The Natural History Museum that time forgot.
Săpânța, Romania

The Merry Cemetery

A countryside Romanian cemetery filled with colorful crosses bearing lyrical, ironic, or satirical rhymes.
Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki University Museum

A collection of collections ranging from dentistry to minerals.
Helsinki, Finland

Götan Maailma

A lovingly curated curio shop in which the taxidermy wear newspaper party hats, and peanut shells are spread across every surface.
Barkley West, South Africa

Wildebeest Kuil Rock Art Centre

Fascinating collection of Khoisan rock engravings, still situated in their original setting.
Cape Town, South Africa

'IiNkwenkwezi eziPhahlileyo' ('The Stars Beside')

Many generations ago, it was said that one could find celestial splendor in a lush meadow not far from this very marker according to the lore of the fictional world Kcymaerxthaere.
Cape Town, South Africa

Macassar Beach Pavilion

An abandoned water park overtaken by the dunes.
Paarl, South Africa

The Goat Tower of Fairview Cheese & Wine Farm

The original goat tower, the one that started it all.

Mara River Crossing

Life and death are on parade at the most reliably perilous site of “the Great Migration.”