cconway7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Simi Valley, California
Places visited in Calabasas, California
Places visited in Goleta, California
Places visited in Salinas, California
Places visited in Beverly Hills, California
Places visited in Santa Barbara, California
Places visited in Long Beach, California
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Santa Monica, California

Church of Type

Somewhere between an art studio and a print shop, this artists storefront is a house of worship devoted to type.
Santa Monica, California

California Heritage Museum

The diverse and sometimes odd cultural heritage of the Golden State is collected, examined, and displayed in this proud museum.
Beverly Hills, California

Greystone Mansion

Stroll the grounds built by murder, suicide, and dirty oil money at one of Hollywood's most filmed mansions.
Beverly Hills, California

Beverly Hills Bermuda Triangle

One of the richest places in the United States has a cursed street.
Santa Monica, California

Chain Reaction

In one Santa Monica parking lot a mushroom cloud made of chains heralds a message of peace.
Santa Monica, California

Chez Jay

A treasure hunter's tiny bar, harboring celebrities since 1959.
Santa Monica, California

Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome

A Looff creation in Santa Monica best described as “a California-Byzantine-Moorish-style fantasy.”
Santa Monica, California

Pacific Park Solar Ferris Wheel

A second generation sun-powered marvel lights up the night.
Santa Monica, California

Route 66 End of the Trail Sign

A sign at the end of the Santa Monica Pier marks the traditional end of the legendary American highway.
Santa Monica, California

Origami Intersections

Giant origami crease patterns engraved in Santa Monica intersections may even be visible from space.
Santa Monica, California

Santa Monica Camera Obscura

An offbeat angle on the ocean viewed through an antiquated lens.
Santa Monica, California

Georgian Hotel

One of the first skyscrapers in Santa Monica, and a famous getaway for the Hollywood elite of then and now.
Santa Monica, California

Farnam House

On a quiet suburban street stands a peculiarly decorated house covered in mosaics.
Santa Monica, California

Frank Gehry Residence

Perhaps the most unique of any Frank Gehry design for one simple reason: Gehry himself actually lives here.
Agua Dulce, California

Vasquez Rocks

Named after a bandit and the star of several Hollywood prehistoric landscapes, these sandstone formations are a historical part of the Los Angeles natural landscape.
Topanga, California

Hidden Treasures

An unreal vintage shop that wears its dadaist influence on its zombie fish.
Topanga, California

Great Wall of Topanga

You don't want to get caught in this trap--or do you?
Topanga, California

Canned Heat Suicide House

The mysterious, untimely death of a Canned Heat band member still haunts this unfinished home.
Malibu, California

Adamson House

Malibu's first beach home features an astonishing trove of ceramic tiles.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Loop

Where a railroad loops under or over itself to rise or drop more than 70 feet in a short distance.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Santa Clarita, California

Oak of the Golden Dream

According to legend it was a nap taken under this tree that kicked off the California Gold Rush.
Santa Clarita, California

Beale's Cut

Gouged in the mountain to make stage coach access easier through the Fremont Pass.
Malibu, California

Keller House

The stone walls of a home built to withstand a California wildfire still stand after more than a century.