chloeyd's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Holbrook, Arizona

The Plotz Plot

For those going through a life transition, a place to leave behind a piece of your former self.


Four steel monoliths stand in the Qatari desert, in a breathtaking work of large-scale art by Richard Serra.
Hadiyah, Saudi Arabia

Hadiyah Railway Station

Once a major stop on the Hejaz Railway, this desert station (complete with steam locomotive) has been abandoned for decades.

Monument to the Battle of Oum Tounsi

Initially meant to immortalize the valor of the colonizer, this monument is now a symbol of Mauritanian resistance.
Yermo, California

Liberty Sculpture Park

A collection of anti-communist sculptures stands watch in the Mojave Desert.

Great Train Graveyard

On the outskirts of a desert trading village high on the Andean plain, steel giants have been destroyed by salt winds.
Washington, D.C.

Godey Lime Kilns

A historic ruin just 20 feet away from a busy highway onramp.
Leetonia, Ohio

Leetonia Beehive Coke Ovens

Rows of 19th-century brick ovens used to process coal into coke form the center of a wooded park.
Roxbury, Connecticut

Mine Hill Preserve

The remnants of a 19th-century ironmaking complex hidden in the woods of Connecticut.
Wassaic, New York

Wassaic Beehive Charcoal Kilns

These conical kilns measure an impressive 30 feet in diameter, and were once used to produce charcoal for a local blast furnace.
Pioche, Nevada

Bristol Well

Beehive charcoal kilns and slag deposits mark this late 19th century camp centered on a smelter.
Panaca, Nevada

Panaca Summit Kilns

Two well-preserved charcoal kilns survive in a remote part of eastern Nevada.
Lonaconing, Maryland

Lonaconing Furnace

The first blast furnace in the United States that used coal and coke fuel instead of charcoal to make pig iron.
Pine Swamp, Pennsylvania

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site

A well-preserved example of an early industrial operation in the northeastern United States.
Hiko, Nevada

Crescent Mill

A remarkably well-preserved brick chimney from a smelter dating to the 1860s is all that remains of this former mill.
Coplay, Pennsylvania

Coplay Cement Company Kilns

The lasting remains of the region's once booming cement industry.
Bronx, New York

Concrete Plant Park

A riverfront park that both remediated and preserved its industrial past.
San Antonio, Texas

Portland Cement Plant Ruins

A tall smoke stack and boarded-up buildings are all that's left of the pioneering plant.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Amherst, Massachusetts

The Rausch Mineral Gallery

A unique collection of more than 250 rocks and minerals located on a university campus.
Boulder, Colorado

Media Archaeology Lab

A research lab and hands-on museum where visitors can experiment with retro technology.
Austin, Texas

The Harry Ransom Center

The upstairs reading room is packed with millions of rare books, literary manuscripts, and historical treasures.
London, England

British Optical Association Museum

The world's oldest optical museum is an odd collection where the exhibits look at you.
Göttingen, Germany

Physicalisches Cabinet

This small university museum houses a priceless collection of scientific instruments.