cianafranke's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Munich, Germany

Der Teufelstritt (The Devil's Footprint)

The footprint of a frustrated devil in Munich's Cathedral.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Vicenza, Italy

The Turtles of Vicenza at Parco Querini

Turtles swim in a pond surrounding a classical temple in this lush park in Vicenza.
Vicenza, Italy

Torre Bissara

One of the tallest bell towers in Italy plays a particular melody at just two times each day.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Venice, Italy

Giant Hands of Venice’s Grand Canal

permanently closed
A new sculpture calls attention to climate change in the centuries-old city it threatens.
Asiago, Italy

Asiago War Memorial

The remains of 50,000 World War I soldiers rest under a towering arch overlooking the Alpine battlefields.
Padua, Italy

Padua Astronomical Clock

One of the world's oldest working clocks is curiously missing the Zodiac sign of Libra.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Bern, Switzerland

The Child Eater of Bern

A nearly 500-year-old sculpture depicts a man eating a sack of babies, and no one is sure why.
Bern, Switzerland

Méret Oppenheim Fountain

The Swiss artist's bulbous and overgrown shape-shifting sculpture controversially graces the center of Bern.