jacobdickinson1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Honolulu County, Hawaii

Tern Island

This airstrip atoll is uninhabited by humans, but absolutely full of birds.
Los Angeles, California

Clifton's Cafeteria

Giant Redwood-themed cafeteria operates under the golden rule, "Dine Free Unless Delighted."
Koloa, Hawaii

Lithified Sand Dunes

A prehistoric landscape hidden in the cliffs of Maha'ulepu.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
Kilauea, Hawaii

The Blue Room

A once-glowing grotto at the bottom of Waikapalae Wet Cave.
Kapa'a, Hawaii

Kalalau Trail

This narrow coastline trail through the dense Kauai wilderness is among the most beautiful and dangerous in the world.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Kapa'a, Hawaii

Coco Palms Resort

This former luxury resort in Kaua'i is now an abandoned relic.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Nisshodo Candy Store

This mom-and-pop Japanese sweets shop has been serving cloud-light mochi for almost a century.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Ha'iku Stairs

A Hawaiian stairway to heaven—that you can't climb.
Kalaupapa, Hawaii

Kalaupapa Leper Colony

Once home to over 8,000 exiled Hawaiians suffering from Hansen's Disease.
Kahului, Hawaii

Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum

Inside, visitors are treated to the rich history of sugar farming and its impact on Hawaiian society.

Point Nemo

At the point of oceanic inaccessibility, you can't get farther from dry land without leaving the planet.
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.
Key West, Florida

Southernmost Point of the Continental U.S.

A monument celebrating the idea of reaching inaccessible places.
Havana, Cuba

Colina Lenin

A bronze sculpture of Lenin’s likeness outside Havana surrounded by 12 human figures in solidarity with the Bolshevik Revolution.
Havana, Cuba

Hotel Nacional de Cuba

Once a favorite playground for the world's most illustrious guests, Hotel Nacional's secret weapons and bunkers reveal a more menacing side to its golden history.
Havana, Cuba

Callejon de Hamel

A colorful narrow alley in Cuba is full of street art and sculptures made of found objects.
Havana, Cuba

La Plaza de la Revolución

A focal point of the Cuban government, this city square features one of the most iconic images in the country.
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Baconao Park

Roam the cradle of the Cuban Revolution with life-sized dinosaurs.
Playas de Rosarito Municipality, Mexico

Baja Film Studios

This seaside production studio was built to film 'Titanic' and has been the wet set of choice for other Hollywood productions since.
Avalon, California

Catalina Country Club

An unexpected connection to Chicago awaits visitors on an island just off the California coast.
Sonora, California

Legends Books, Antiques & Soda Fountain

A cozy bookstore is tucked within an old gold mine shaft beneath the cafe and ice cream shop.
Aberdeen, Washington

Kurt Cobain Memorial Park

A tribute to the Nirvana frontman hides beneath the bridge that was the singer's beloved hangout spot.