mdhb01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lohmen, Germany

The Bastei

Ruins of a German Castle on top of a towering stone pillar.
Prague, Czechia


This automated sculpture of two men peeing will spell out text messages with their micturition.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Plymouth, England

Beatle Bums

The only place where can you share a seat with the bums of the Fab Four.
Plymouth, England

Napoleon Commemorative Stone

These stones mark 200 years of friendship between Britain and France following the Napoleonic Wars.
Plymouth, England

The Leviathan

Overlooking the spot where the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower stands Devon's answer to the Colossus of Rhodes.
Devon, England

Buckfast Abbey

This historic Benedictine monastery brews a booze so toxic that it has often been blamed almost singularly for Scottish hooliganism.
Portsmouth, England

Mary Rose

Hauled from the water's depths, Henry VIII's flagship is preserved in this capsule-shaped museum.
Portsmouth, England

Spinnaker Tower

This striking observation tower shaped like a spinnaker sail is the newest icon in historic Portsmouth.
Brighton, England

Madeira Lift

Decrepit Victorian public lift is a white-knuckle ride.
Brighton, England

West Pier

The rotting skeleton of a shoreside fun fair that was destroyed by fire and storms still haunts the Brighton ocean view.
Shoreham-by-Sea, England

Brighton City Airport

This tiny 1930s Art Deco airport is a beautiful remnant of a bygone era.
Worthing, England

Dome Cinema

It was once the longest continuously running cinema in the United Kingdom.
West Sussex, England

The Long Bench

This multicolored meandering masterpiece is Britain's longest bench.
Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.
Westward Ho!, England

Westward Ho!

How did this lovely seaside English village come by such an unusual name?
Clovelly, England

The Sledges of Clovelly

Wooden sleds have replaced donkeys to cart goods around this utterly charming car-free village.
Bude, England

Bude Castle

A quirky "castle" formerly belonging to a famous British inventor.
Giessen, Germany

Gießkannenmuseum (Watering Can Museum)

An homage to the humble watering can.
Giessen, Germany

Schlammbeiser Statue

Commemorating a unique medieval profession: men who collected feces.
Devon, England

Wistman's Wood

This tangled English forest looks like something right out of a fairytale.
Liège, Belgium

Bueren Mountain

This giant urban staircase was built to keep the city's brave fighting men from getting waylaid in the red light district.
Wuppertal, Germany

Schwebebahn Wuppertal

This "floating railway" is one of the world's oldest monorail systems.