Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Peachland, British Columbia

Okanagan Lake

The large fjord lake is thought to be the home of "Ogopogo," a giant sea serpent.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Sam Kee (Jack Chow) Building

At just six feet two inches deep, it is said by Guiness and Ripley to be the world’s narrowest freestanding office building.
Vancouver, British Columbia

9 O'Clock Gun

This quirky piece of naval artillery has been deafening Canadians for over a century.
Britannia Beach, British Columbia

Britannia Mine Museum

From mining complex to industrial exhibition, this museum once played a major part in the X-Files.
Sanca, British Columbia

Boswell Embalming Bottle House

This house was largely built out of hundreds of thousands of discarded glass embalming fluid bottles.
Victoria, British Columbia

Fan Tan Alley

The narrowest street in Canada was once a spot for dastardly doings, now a historic piece of Chinatown.
Victoria, British Columbia

Hatley Castle

This castle was once considered as an option for the Royal Family's alternate residence, but you may know it better from the 'X-Men' movie.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Giants' on Granville Island Silos

The colorful, smiling concrete silos of Vancouver.
Penny, British Columbia

Ancient Forest/Chun T'oh Whudujut

Thousand-year-old trees tower within one of the world's only inland temperate rainforests.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Tofino, British Columbia

Canso Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage still sits at the exact spot the plane crash-landed in 1945, carrying 1,000 pounds of explosives.
Tlell, British Columbia

Totems of Haida Gwaii

Hauntingly beautiful totem poles left by the Haida.
Victoria, British Columbia

Miniature World

A famous hotel houses an impression collection of mini dioramas and giant doll houses.
Whistler, British Columbia

The Mushroom House

Home inspired by the crystal rock formation of the Emerald Estates.
Tlell, British Columbia

Pesuta Shipwreck

The stunning remnants of this wreck emerge from an otherworldly backdrop of rainforests.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dude Chilling Park

A renegade art installation in a small Vancouver park is now officially sanctioned by the City Parks Department.
Hope, British Columbia

Sasquatch Caves

A hiking area billed as a possible home to Bigfoot.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Neon Vancouver | Ugly Vancouver

The collection of signage remembers the midcentury pushback against the new neon light.
Victoria, British Columbia

The Empress Hotel

This historic Victorian hotel has a scandalous history of affairs and murder.
Richmond, British Columbia

RAPS Cat Sanctuary

One of the largest cat sanctuaries in North America is considered a "Club Med" for felines.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Digital Orca

A pixel art killer whale is frozen mid-leap in this Vancouver square.
Vancouver, British Columbia


Surprisingly delicious Asian-style hot dogs.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Police Museum

Housing a morgue, rare and confiscated weapons, and autopsy remains, the Vancouver police museum displays the dark side of Canada.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Bloedel Conservatory

This conservatory allows a little bit of the tropics to thrive in the middle of a major Canadian city.