Davi Christ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Essex, Connecticut

The Griswold Inn

British troops and Prohibition couldn’t stop this spot from becoming one of the United States' oldest continuously-run taverns.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Rover

A tribute to the truly loyal dog who waited outside a hospital for his owner to come back.
Windsor, Connecticut

Vintage Radio and Communications Museum

More than a century of radio history is told in these displays.
Hartford, Connecticut

Colonial America Tavern Signs Collection

The early American colonists were such ferocious drinkers the law actually required every town to have a tavern.
Groton, Connecticut

Submarine Force Museum

The US Navy's only submarine museum is also home to the world's first nuclear submarine.
New Haven, Connecticut

Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library

A vast collection of rare books, manuscripts & extraordinary objects illustrating the history of medicine.
Middlefield, Connecticut

Powder Hill Dinosaur Park

This petite park lets visitors see and touch examples of fossilized dinosaur tracks.
Farmington, Connecticut

Hospital Rock

These etchings reveal the history of a long-gone quarantine site.
Norwalk, Connecticut

Stepford Wives Locations

Mansion and shopping center used in the 1975 film "The Stepford Wives."
Cheshire, Connecticut

Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum

A museum dedicated to antique toys, collectibles, and nostalgia.
New Haven, Connecticut

Judges Cave

The cave where two British judges hid in exile after sentencing the king to death.
New Haven, Connecticut

Yale Collection of Musical Instruments

A quirky assortment of musical marvels from around the world.
Washington, Connecticut

Jason's Haunts

New Preston and Kent, Connecticut - where Friday the 13th, Part 2 was filmed.
Meriden, Connecticut

Castle Craig

A lone tower rises above the cliffs in a city park, offering fantastic views of the Connecticut landscape.
Bristol, Connecticut

New England Carousel Museum

A parade of antique steeds offers a quirky ride through history.
New Haven, Connecticut

Skull and Bones Tomb

The headquarters of the famous Yale society.
Southington, Connecticut

Snedeker House

The "possessed" house that inspired "The Haunting in Connecticut" book and movie.
Bethlehem, Connecticut

Abbey of Regina Laudis

These Benedictine nuns have been making artisanal cheeses since before it was cool.
Hartford, Connecticut

A. Everett Austin Facade House

This stunning Connecticut mansion is actually just a one-room-deep hoax.
Hartford, Connecticut

Cathedral of St. Joseph

This Connecticut chapel is a starkly modern, and surprisingly colorful, architectural rebel.
New Hartford, Connecticut

Satan's Kingdom State Recreation Area

Who knew the Devil's domain was a hot spot for tubing?
Milford, Connecticut

Charles Island

This "thrice-cursed" island is allegedly home to Captain Kidd's lost treasure.
New Canaan, Connecticut

Glass House

Home of Philip Johnson, one of the 20th century's most influential architects.
Groton, Connecticut

Mystic Pizza

This small-town pizzeria won the Hollywood lottery.