davidkennethbradford's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Chi-Chi the Giant Panda

The beloved beast's taxidermy remains sit in the Natural History Museum's cafe.
Brighton, England

Anna's Museum

A private selection of curiosities, carefully curated by a young Brighton local.
Brighton, England

Brighton's Victorian Sewers

To literally keep their waste out of their own backyards, the citizens of this English city built an impressive sewer system that is still in use today.
Brighton, England

West Pier

The rotting skeleton of a shoreside fun fair that was destroyed by fire and storms still haunts the Brighton ocean view.
Brighton, England

The Royal Pavilion

Regency-era excess on the English Coast.
Norwich, England

Tombland Alley

A 16th-century footpath said to be haunted by a young girl that died trapped within its misshapen old house.
Buxton, England

Solomon's Temple

This landmark Victorian folly rewards visitors with spectacular views over the Peak District.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charles II Statue

Edinburgh's oldest statue hides within a parking lot behind the city's iconic cathedral.
London, England

Tower Bridge Chimney

An architectural oddity hides in plain sight on this iconic London bridge.
London, England

London's Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Legend says these colorful, invasive residents are the descendants of birds released by Jimi Hendrix.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
Valencia, Spain

El Carme Street Art

Vibrant street art created with mixed media.
Valencia, Spain

Holy Chalice of Valencia

Of the many chalices in the running for the Holy Grail, this one in Valencia Cathedral sure looks the part.
Valencia, Spain

Parque Gulliver

This massive fiberglass Gulliver turns every visitor into a Lilliputian.
Valencia, Spain

Cat House

This house's itty bitty size means no humans allowed.
Abergele, Wales

Gwrych Castle

After years of slow decline, a derelict Gothic castle is now being restored to life.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Buxton, England

The Crescent

A historic Georgian building and warm springs.
Rochester, England

Rochester Castle

This foreboding medieval castle was twice besieged by barons rebelling against the English king.
East Sussex, England

Beachy Head

England's most notorious suicide spot.
East Sussex, England

Seven Sisters Cliffs

These stark white cliffs were spat up by the sea and are slowly being retaken by it.
London, England

Mary Anning's Plesiosaur

This marine reptile was discovered by one of the 19th century's greatest fossil hunters.
London, England

Archie the Giant Squid

The monster at the center of the Darwin Center Spirit Collection.
London, England

Darwin Centre Spirit Collection

Repository for more than 22 million pickled specimens.