dawnjbrenner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lowell, Massachusetts

Worthen House Cafe

The oldest tavern in Lowell has dedicated fans of its fan.
Exeter, New Hampshire

Exeter UFO Festival

Annual celebration commemorating the 1965 sighting of strange lights in the town.
Ellsworth, Maine

Finn's Irish Pub

This architectural onion has an original 1930's Jerry O'Mahony dining car at its core.
Deer Isle, Maine

Nervous Nellie's Jams and Jellies

Sculptures, jams, and the wild west collide at this folksy retreat.
Southwest Harbor, Maine

Mount Desert Spring Blues Brothers

A decidedly out of place statue memorializes the Blues Brothers characters at this water bottling plant.
Biddeford, Maine

Palace Diner

Maine's oldest diner also happens to win acclaim for its elevated comfort food.
Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum

The world's only international cryptozoology museum is host to an unrivaled collection of mysterious objects.
Portland, Maine

Fort Gorges

Accessible only by boat, this centuries-old island fort never saw troops or combat.
Welshpool, New Brunswick

Campobello Island

A quarter mile off the coastal tip of Maine you'll find the "Beloved Island" of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Lubec, Maine

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse

This candy-striped tower is the farthest east you can go in the United States.
Moscow, Maine

Million Dollar Birdhouse Wall

A collection of birdhouses await curious motorists and avian squatters.
United States / Canada

Machias Seal Island

The only land territory disputed between the U.S. and Canada.
Freeport, Maine

The Desert of Maine

This tiny patch of arid sand sits in one of the greenest states in the United States.
Ellsworth, Maine

Telephone Museum

As communication goes completely wireless, this Maine museum remembers all the wires that got us to this point.
Bangor, Maine

Mount Hope Cemetery

The second-oldest garden cemetery in the U.S. was also a college brainstorm spot of Stephen King.
Danville, Vermont

The Forgotten Village at Greenbank's Hollow

Industrial ruin decimated this tiny New England company town in a fashion no one saw coming… and even fewer remember today.
Franconia, New Hampshire

Old Man of the Mountain Profiler Plaza

A serene plaza that commemorates one of the Granite State's most iconic figures.
Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield

The highest peak in the state of Vermont has some interesting features.
Brookfield, Vermont

Floating Bridge of Brookfield, VT

One car at a time please.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ricker Basin

The remains of a deserted 1800s farming community can be found in Little River State Park.
Montpelier, Vermont

Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial

A lonely memorial to the Challenger Space Shuttle, honoring the astronauts who died in 1986.
Fair Haven, Vermont

Vermont's Marble Mansions

Two distinctive homes on a New England village green look like a couple of frosted wedding cakes.
Rutland, Vermont

Wilson Castle

A beautiful, creepy 19th-century castle stands incongruously in rural Vermont.
Schroon Lake, New York

Frontier Town

This former theme park in New York's Adirondack Mountains fell into ruin before being resurrected as a state-run campground