2010x09234's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Berryville, Virginia

Josephine School Community Museum

A renovated schoolhouse that highlights the history of Clarke County's Black community.
Charles City, Virginia

Berkeley Plantation

This estate on the banks of the James River was home to a Founding Father, two presidents, a famous bugle melody, and what some say was the actual first Thanksgiving.
Bedford, Virginia

National D-Day Memorial

This monument is dedicated to those lost on June 6, 1944, in the town with that day’s highest per-capita casualty rate.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Chatham Catalpas

These trees are living witnesses to events that inspired poet Walt Whitman’s service during the American Civil War.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Monument to the Angel of Marye's Heights

The Kirkland Monument remembers a selfless Civil War hero who braved the battlefield to give water to his dying enemies.
Sterling, Virginia

Warp Drive

This pun was simply waiting to come to life, and one defense contractor made it so.
Alexandria, Virginia

P.O. Box 1142 Memorial

This simple stone memorial remembers a secret, Geneva Convention-defying interrogation base from WWII.
Staunton, Virginia

Frontier Culture Museum

Outdoor exhibits explore the contributions of European, African, and indigenous peoples to American frontier culture.
Waverly, Virginia

First Peanut Museum in the U.S.

A museum in the heart of Virginia peanut country devoted to the humble goober.
Warsaw, Virginia


The Virginia home of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence is being preserved with a unique glass facade.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.