DoubleOhDork's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Clarksville, Indiana

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Marine fossils from the Devonian period are exposed at this park.
Bloomingdale, Indiana

Jungle Park Speedway

The overgrown remains of one of the premier auto-racing speedways in the Midwest—and also one of the most deadly.
Mishawaka, Indiana

Shiojiri Garden

One of the few authentic Japanese gardens in the state of Indiana and perhaps the most peaceful place in the city of Mishawaka.
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Grave of Johnny Appleseed

This grave marks the final resting place of pioneer John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed.
Winamac, Indiana

World of Motorcycles Museum

A large collection of motorbikes with some impressive gems.
Lincoln City, Indiana

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

The farm where one of America's greatest leaders was raised is now a well-appointed landmark.
Elkhart, Indiana

Hall of Heroes

A rural hall of justice holds the world's only comic book and superhero museum.
Gary, Indiana

City Methodist Church

This stunning gothic ruin was a casualty of the Indiana steel industry crash.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis Moon Tree

A 30-year-old Sycamore tree grown from a seed taken to the moon and back.
Crawfordsville, Indiana

Rotary Jail Museum

The first spinning jail built in the United States is the only one that still turns.
Center Point, Indiana

Exotic Feline Rescue Center

Lions and tigers and leopards, servals, pumas, bobcats, lynxes, and ocelots... oh my!
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Medical History Museum

A medical facility that has been kept frozen in time.
Bedford, Indiana

Bluespring Caverns

The longest navigable underground river in the United States is home to countless blind and albino animals.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 2

This "second" cemetery represents New Orleans' attempt to keep cholera at bay.
Roxbury, New York

Villa Sposa

The former home of a disgraced local priest now hosts a mysterious secret supper club.
Port Townsend, Washington

Starrett House

The building features one of the last remaining free-floating spiral grand staircases in the U.S.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Food Gatherers' Giant Carrots

The 10-foot-tall vegetables belong to Michigan’s first food rescue program.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Matthaei Botanical Gardens

These gardens recreate unique and endangered Michigan habitats.