driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Flagstaff, Arizona

Cinder Lake Crater Field

An artificial crater field that trained astronauts for lunar exploration.
Tucson, Arizona

Rattlesnake Bridge

In Tucson a giant metal snake helps pedestrians cross a busy highway.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Picture Canyon

A nature and cultural preserve named for its multitude of petroglyphs carved by the Northern Sinagua people.
Coolidge, Arizona

Casa Grande Ruins

Some of the tallest ancient American ruins continue to inspire awe and curiosity.
Pine, Arizona

Tonto Natural Bridge

The largest natural travertine bridge in the world is nestled in a small canyon in central Arizona.
Tombstone, Arizona

Rose Tree Museum

The world's largest rose bush has literally outgrown the pioneer museum it was planted behind.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.
Benson, Arizona

Kartchner Caverns

Limestone caves with spectacular showcase chambers.
Jerome, Arizona

Abandoned Jerome Post Office

On the outskirts of a reborn ghost town, a decaying post office remembers the bad old days.
Sedona, Arizona

Chapel of the Holy Cross

A spiritual vortex among the red rocks in Sedona.
Seligman, Arizona

Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive-In

A classic Route 66 landmark that was built with scrap lumber and is held together with kitsch and puns.
Green Valley, Arizona

Titan Missile Museum

America's only nuclear missile silo open to the public.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Roden Crater

The artist James Turrell is repurposing an extinct volcano crater as an observatory to experience the cosmos.
Phoenix, Arizona

Fry Bread House

Founded by members of the Tohono O’odham Nation, this one-room joint's James Beard–winning fry bread is light as a cloud.
Tucson, Arizona

Lisa Frank Factory

The fading, forgotten remains of a once bright and booming factory.
Winslow, Arizona

Apache Death Cave

A stealthy Apache hideaway that became the haunting site of a mass grave.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Wupatki National Monument

This historic national park is covered in the stunning ruins of red rock pueblos.
Kayenta, Arizona

Mystery Valley

Ancestral Puebloan ruins, natural arches, and box canyons abound in this seldom-visited corner of Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.
Littlefield, Arizona

Pumpkin Spring Pool

An arsenic-filled pool in the Grand Canyon takes on the appearance of a giant, overflowing pumpkin.
Leupp, Arizona

Grand Falls

Witnessing the might of this dessert-colored desert waterfall is a rare, powerful treat.
Oracle, Arizona

Biosphere 2

A reproduction of earth's many biomes.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Coconino Lava River Cave

Eons ago, a rushing lava river formed this pristine passage through solid rock.
Winslow, Arizona

Meteor Crater

This 4,000-foot-diameter hole is touted as "the most well known, best preserved meteorite crater on Earth."
Peach Springs, Arizona

Caverns Grotto

In a 345-million-year-old cave that's 200 feet underground, dinner awaits.