driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Colere, Italy

Via Mala

A prehistoric route that has claimed many victims is now closed to traffic.

Italia Viaduct

Constructed during the 1960s, this bridge is still the highest in Italy.
Manziana, Italy

Caldara di Manziana

This caldera was once associated with the Etruscan god of the underworld.
Sermoneta, Italy

Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Valvisciolo Abbey)

Knights Templar are visible inside this stunning Cistercian abbey.
Collepardo, Italy

Pozzo d'Antullo

An enormous sinkhole that local lore attributes to the anger of the Virgin Mary.
Venosa, Italy

Incompiuta di Venosa

The construction of a new church near Venosa was started in the 11th century, but never finished.

Nardò Ring

This high-speed test track is popular with car manufacturers, speed freaks and orbiting astronauts.
Iglesias, Italy

Villaggio Minerario Asproni

A former mining village that now operates as an open-air museum.
Roccastrada, Italy

Cripta di Giugnano

Visit a secretive crypt before it crumbles to dust.
Sutri, Italy

Sutri Amphitheatre

This Roman theater was crafted into the local tuff rock and was rediscovered during the 19th-century.
Forno, Italy

Filanda di Forno

The crumbling remains of a 19th-century textile factory.
Trapani, Italy

Borgo Amerigo Fazio

A never-inhabited village that was built as part of Mussolini's agricultural reforms.
Greccio, Italy

Santuario di Greccio (Sanctuary of Grecci)

One of the four sanctuaries of Rieti's Holy Valley was the site of the first living nativity scene.
Syracuse, Italy

Fountain of Arethusa

According to Greek mythology, this natural spring is the home of a freshwater nymph.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Pontificio Santuario Maria SS "ad Rupes" (Pontifical Sanctuary of Maria SS. ad Rupes)

A monk spent 14 years carving steps through tuff to make this religious site more accessible to pilgrims.
Messina, Italy

Torri Morandi

An abandoned building that once tightened a power line that stretched across Messina Strait.
Vasche, Italy

Lake of Cutilia

This lake was sacred to the Sabine people who constructed a temple here on a floating island.
Brescia, Italy

Bonomini Tomb

Legend says the only thing buried within this magnificent tomb was a dog.
Viggianello, Italy

Sorgente del Mercure (Mercure Wellspring)

This crystal clear water basin feeds the Lao river and powers a hydroelectric power plant.
Rosignano marittimo, Italy

Spiagge Bianche (White Beaches)

This deceiving white sand beach gets its brilliant hue from the chemical discharge of a nearby factory.
Caorle, Italy

Campanile del Duomo di Caorle (Bell Tower of Caorle Cathedral)

A cone-shaped top and cylindrical body set this 900-year-old structure apart from other Italian bell towers.
Milan, Italy

Crypt of San Sepolcro

Saint Borromeo often prayed in this austere crypt during the 16th century.
Collio, Italy

Miniera Torgola

This decaying complex from the early 1900s was once the site of massive iron and fluorite mines.
Sabaudia, Italy


A town saturated in Italian rationalist architecture was once marshland drained by Mussolini.