driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Farnborough, England

Farnborough Airship Hangar Frame

The lasting remains of the Balloon Section of the British Armed Forces.
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Radar Tower

An abandoned shipping control tower looks like a satellite perched at the end of a pier.
Ulverston, England

Ulverston Canal Rolling Bridge

This unique style of bridge is the last of its kind and runs over the straightest canal in Britain.
Leicester, England

Abbey Sewage Pumping Station

This former sewage pumping station is now a fascinating museum.
Durham, England

"Cat" Ball Court

These courts are the only ones of their kind in the world, made for a unique ball game that dates back to the 1700s.
Antrim, Northern Ireland

Lough Neagh Torpedo Test Platform

This former World War II torpedo testing location is now an important nesting site for migratory birds.
Rookhope, England

Groverake Mine

Only the headframes remain from this mining operation, once one of the largest in the region.
Durham, England

Finchale Priory

The former "holiday home" for monks at the Durham Cathedral.
West Yorkshire, England

Huddersfield Sailing Club Race Control Tower

Collapsed television tower finds new life as a control tower for boat races.
Paisley, Scotland

Barshaw Park

A Paisley park where little has changed since its early 20th-century creation.
Chesterfield, England

Stone Edge Cupola

This chimney is the oldest free standing industrial chimney in Britain.

London Array

The largest offshore wind farm in the world would be even bigger if it weren't for some pesky birds.
Grimsby, England

Grimsby Dock Tower

Despite its ornamental looks, this towering Tuscan-inspired anomaly was a masterpiece in hydraulic engineering.
Pantperthog, Wales

CAT Cliff Railway

This water-powered cliffside railway is one of the steepest funiculars in the world.
Cushendall, Northern Ireland

Layd Church Ruins

The father of Belfast medicine is buried in the graveyard of this 13th-century church, which now lies in ruins.
Manchester, England

The Great Hall within the Royal Exchange

Once called "the biggest room in the world," this Victorian-era hall is so large that it contains a smaller 1970s heptagonal theatre.
Rotherham, England

Boston Castle

This small crenelated building was built by a British aristocrat who supported the American Revolution and may have named it in memory of a pivotal battle.
Glasgow, Scotland

Meikle Bin Plane Crash Site

The remains of a 70-year-old military aircraft crash landing still sit on this Scottish hillside.
Buckinghamshire, England

Stoke Park Golf and Country Club

Site of the golf match between James Bond and Goldfinger.
Tarvin, England

Hockenhull Platts

Three stone bridges straddling the River Gowy form part of the medieval road from London to Holyhead—despite a common nickname, they're not Roman.
Laneshawbridge, England

The Atom Panopticon

This round structure dotted with portals is one of several pieces scattered throughout Lancashire.
Ogmore-by-Sea, Wales

Merthyr Mawr Sand Dunes

This huge coastal nature reserve in Wales was a stand-in for the Arabian Peninsula in 'Lawrence of Arabia.'
Belper, England

Strutt's North Mill

This industrial gem was one of the earliest examples of a metal-framed building.
West Mersea, England

Monkey Beach

This stretch of beach is the site of a prime watering hole and a primate watchtower.