driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Madrid, Spain

Torres Blancas

Meant to resemble a massive tree, the building is the best example of Spanish organicist architecture in Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

Nave de Motores de Pacífico (Pacifico Engine Shed)

Built to power trains, the engines in this building provided the entire city of Madrid with electricity during the Spanish Civil War.
Novelda, Spain

Novelda Shrine of Mary Magdalene

The 20th-century church looks like a rustic version of the Sagrada Familia.
La Palma, Spain

Fuencaliente Saltworks

The largest salt farm in the Canary Islands is located at the foot of an active volcano.
Madrid, Spain

Colonia de la Prensa Gate

This Art Nouveau gate still stands at the former entrance of a 20th-century Spanish writer's colony.
La Palma, Spain

Pirámide de Vandama

A pre-Hispanic pyramid in the middle of a tourist district in the Canary Islands.
Madrid, Spain

Feria del Campo (Campo Fair)

These abandoned country fairgrounds are filled with replicas of Spanish monuments.
Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain

Presa El Gasco

This 18th-century project to build the world's tallest gravity dam was never completed.
Mohorte, Spain

Las Torcas de Palancares

Walls of stone rise up from sinkholes caused by underwater erosion.
Los Albaricoques, Spain

Los Albaricoques

This small Spanish village still pays homage to the Spaghetti Western films that were shot there in the 1960s.
Manresa, Spain

Les Arnaules Prehistoric Bridge

A long strip of fossil-filled limestone makes up this natural bridge above a rushing stream.
Tibi, Spain

Tibi Dam (Pantano de Tibi)

Possibly the oldest masonry dam in all of Europe.
Villar del Pozo, Spain

Ciudad Real Central Airport

An abandoned airport in the middle of nowhere.
Valencia, Spain

La Estrecha House

With a facade that measures just 107 centimeters, this five-story building is one of the skinniest in Europe.
Toledo, Spain

Sinagoga El Transito

Once the grandest synagogue in medieval Spain, it now stands as a memorial of the 15th-century Jewish exile.
Naval, Spain

Sanctuary of Torreciudad

Sanctuary on a ridge near an ancient shrine to a "Black Madonna" built by the founder of Opus Dei.
La Palma, Spain

Roque Idafe (Idafe Rock)

Indigenous cultures believed all life would end if this enormous rock toppled.
Madrid, Spain

Muelle's Graffiti

Sometimes called the Banksy of Madrid, Muelle was a pioneer of street art in the Spanish city.
Portomarín, Spain

Old Portomarín

This stop on the Camino de Santiago stands high above the underwater ruins of a medieval town.
Pastrana, Spain

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Collegiate Church of Pastrana) Crypt

To fit bodies into this Renaissance crypt, they were first left to decompose in the crypt's rotting room.
Palma, Spain

Tren de Sóller

This historic electric train has operated with regularity since the early 1900s.
Teruel, Spain

Los Arcos Aqueduct

This multi-level, aqueduct-footbridge hybrid is one of the greatest works of the Spanish Renaissance.
Cuevas, Spain

La Cuevona

A road that winds through this natural cave is the only way to access the small, appropriately-named village of Cuevas.
Alcoy, Spain

Puente de Sant Jordi (San Jorge Bridge)

If you like Art Deco you will love this bridge.