driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kiel, Germany


The world's first and only three-segment bascule bridge folds up into the shape of a capital "N" to let boat traffic through.
Büsingen am Hochrhein, Germany

Büsingen Enclave

A remarkable two-country morph, this town is part of Germany legally but is by all other measures Swiss.
Dusseldorf, Germany

Sankt Sakrament Düsseldorf

This concrete church spent a period of its history as a World War II bunker.
Recklinghausen, Germany

Kunstgallerie Glas Haus (Art Gallery Glass House)

This small gallery nestled inside an old botanical glasshouse is a quiet place to enjoy art and nature.
Zossen, Germany

Winkel Towers of Zossen

Several of these strange cone-shaped bunkers can still be seen around the former Nazi headquarters.
Kasendorf, Germany

The Dance Linden

For centuries, Germans have been dancing in trees.
Siegen, Germany

Ziegenberg Gasometer

One of the only spherical 19th century gas containers left today.
Hemer, Germany

Hemer Felsenmeer

Wooden pathways run through this rocky landscape, which legend says was created when a dwarven king pulled down his own castle to stop raiding giants.
Munich, Germany


On high feast days, the entire blue-glass front of this modern church opens up to reveal the small wooden church inside.
Maulburg, Germany

Knickebein #12

Obscured within a ring of trees, this abandoned World War II relic hides on a German hillside.
Wolnzach, Germany

German Hops Museum

Beer lovers thirsty for knowledge can now visit a museum devoted to the world's largest hop-growing region.
Hirschau, Germany

Monte Kaolino

A man-made slag heap that you can "ski" down, and is home to the world sandboarding championships.
Mainz, Germany

The Chagall Windows of St. Stephan’s

A famed artist's inspiring work of peace and tolerance.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Freiburg Bächle

These paved rills bring freshwater into Altstadt and could spell wedding bells for whoever stumbles into the waters.
Andernach, Germany

Andernach Geyser

The highest cold-water geyser in the world.
Ivenack, Germany

Oaks of Ivenack

The oldest trees in Northern Germany.
Niederfinow, Germany

Schiffshebewerk Niederfinow

This giant, 83-year-old ship elevator is an engineering feat to behold.
Baden-Baden, Germany

Autobahnkirche St. Christophorus Baden-Baden

This magnificent church allows travelers along one of Germany's busiest roadways a chance to rest and reflect.
Cologne, Germany

Secret Grave in the Pylon of Severinsbrücke Bridge

The body of at least one victim of a construction accident was left behind in the collapsed pylon, buried under tons of concrete.
Lübeck, Germany

Half Tower

A tilted half-timbered house from 1672 is built into a salvaged segment of a medieval wall.
Wehringen, Germany

Fasan Explosives Factory

Hidden in the forest are the crumbling, graffiti-covered remains of the factory where most of Germany's explosives were produced during World War II.
Meißen, Germany

Meissen Crematorium Tour

From morgue to urn, watch the whole process at this unusual educational attraction.
Darmstadt, Germany

Russian Chapel in Darmstadt

The last Tsar of Russia constructed this private church just so he could attend services when visiting his wife's hometown.
Heligoland, Germany


This strategic isle was once swapped between empires and almost entirely destroyed in a bomb explosion.