driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Garching bei München, Germany

Lego Very Large Telescope

A surprisingly detailed model of one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.
Oberkotzau, Germany

Fernweh Park

Named after the German word for "a longingness to travel," this park brings together thousands of city and street signs from around the world.
Goseck, Germany

Goseck Circle

A Neolithic celestial calendar standing in a nondescript wheat field.
Rathen, Germany

Rathen Open Air Stage

This stone amphitheater was once part of Nazi Germany's plan to promote propaganda.
Schwangau, Germany

MarienBrücke (Maria Bridge)

A unique bridge with an equally unique view.
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

Bunkers in Staatswald

These abandoned Cold War-era bunkers are now a designated refuge for endangered bat species.
Usterling, Germany

Growing Rock of Usterling

Nestled within a German forest is an intriguing, growing rock.
Bremen, Germany

Bunker Valentin Memorial

Constructed by forced laborers, this submarine pen is now a museum and war memorial.
Neuss, Germany

Museumsinsel Hombroich

Be it nature, art, or abandoned military architecture this eclectic German "museum" has you covered.
Halberstadt, Germany

Sankt Burchardi Church Organ

Constantly maintained, this organ is playing a six-century long composition by John Cage.
Hamburg, Germany


This dockworkers' lunch joint has been left leaning by a century of storm floods.
Stuttgart, Germany

Stuttgart Winkel Tower

Remnants of a cone-shaped Nazi bomb shelter.
Bottrop, Germany

Tetrahedron in Bottrop

This massive steel pyramid can be entered by a set of jagged steps that let visitors stand in its heart.
Munich, Germany


German-style coffee and cake, just like Oma used to make it.
Königswinter, Germany

Burg Drachenfels

A ruined castle stands atop a hill surrounded by dragon lore.
Dresden, Germany


Tourists often confuse this beautifully ornate former cigarette factory for a mosque.
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Bensberg Old Castle

This strange building looks like a medieval fortress crashed into a 1960s Brutalist office block.
Laußig, Germany

Secret Military Bunker Kossa

This East German military command bunker was ready for World War III.
Peenemünde, Germany

Peenemünde Army Research Center

The NASA scientists behind Apollo 11 started out developing Nazi weapons at this abandoned German rocket factory.
Berlin, Germany


Once a path for Jewish funeral processions, this unassuming alleyway is rich in local lore.
Berlin, Germany

'Das Schicksal Der (Fate of) Bravenleavanne'

The site of good faith and good nature in the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere.
Nagold, Germany


A German town is growing a building out of trees.
Karlsruhe, Germany

Kindergarten Wolfartsweier

A kindergarten shaped like a cat with a tail that's a slide.
Frankfurt, Germany

IG Farben Haus

From Nazi chemicals to the CIA, this architectural marvel has played a fascinating role in German history.