driessouvereyns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Passau, Germany
Places visited in Binz, Germany
Places visited in Oranienburg, Germany
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Oppenau, Germany

Kloster Allerheiligen

This ancient ruined monastery has been destroyed by fire so many times that it seems like God hates it.
Metten, Germany

Baroque Library of Metten Abbey

This 8th-century Bavarian monastery is home to an exquisite Baroque-era library.
Schipkau, Germany

Bagger 258: The "Blue Wonder"

The industrial monstrosity known as Bagger 258 is a colossal mining machine built in the DDR - but now left for dead in a German field.
Duisburg, Germany

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

This former steel and coal plant is now a neon-lit industrial fantasia.
Berlin, Germany

Schöneberg Gasometer

The skeletal frame of a decommissioned gas-pumping station offers breathtaking views of greater Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Bridge of Spies

Germany's Glienicke Bridge has a shady history of clandestine meetings, espionage, and spycraft.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Castle

A castle from the Holy Roman Empire that hosts traveling youth... in its stables.
Donaueschingen, Germany


The great Danube river starts here.
Munich, Germany

Westfriedhof Station

A subterranean display of public art and architecture.
Berlin, Germany

Carillon Berlin-Tiergarten

One of the world's heaviest musical instruments towers within a popular urban park.
Hanover, Germany


Striking occult iconography on a medieval German church.
Bonn, Germany

Bonn Cherry Blossoms

Thousands of flowers create enchanting pink tunnels over the city streets.
Oberhausen, Germany

Gasometer Oberhausen

An industrial relic is now one of Europe's most staggering art spaces.
Munich, Germany


Go surfing on this urban wave, "hacked" by local surfers.
Völklingen, Germany

Volklinger Ironworks

A former ironworks that was the first UNESCO industrial site.
Nuremberg, Germany

The Kongresshalle, Nuremberg

This abandoned coliseum was intended to be a grand Nazi rallying ground before it was halted at the end of the war.
Cologne, Germany

Chandelier Hall

An elegant chandelier hangs over this ancient sewer chamber, now open for concerts and public tours.
Cham, Germany

Chammünster Ossuary

In 1830, cemetery workers in Cham unearthed a chamber housing thousands of skeletal remains from the 13th century, which can still be viewed today.
Nienhagen, Germany

Gespensterwald (Ghost Forest)

Twisted trees shaped by coastal winds make this woodland look like something from a spooky story.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Frauenkirche

This Dresden church was purposely rebuilt Protestant after being demolished in World War II.
Berlin, Germany

'The Dance of Death'

At one of Berlin’s oldest churches, visitors can place mosaic tiles to help restore a medieval mural.
Zinnowitz, Germany

Submerged Gondola

An elevator into the Baltic Sea.
Berlin, Germany

Tieranatomisches Theater

Berlin's oldest surviving academic architecture hosted decades of animal dissections.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Thingstatte

This Nazi-built amphitheater was constructed on a sacred mountain site used by various German cults.