drobert's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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drobert's activity rankings
Places visited in North Adams, Massachusetts
Places visited in Wiesbaden, Germany
Places visited in Vernazza, Italy
Places visited in Munich, Germany
Places visited in Hanover, Germany
Places visited in Como, Italy
Places visited in Stuttgart, Germany
Places visited in Germany
Places visited in Nicaragua
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Athens, Greece

The Athens Polytechnic Monument

A crushed gate and giant bronze head serve as a reminder of Greece's fight for freedom.
Lathen, Germany

Emsland Maglev-Test Facility

A decomissioned facility where the German "Transrapid" maglev trains were once tested.
Hinte, Germany

Suurhusen Church

The Suurhusen church tower in Germany leans over farther than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Wiesbaden, Germany

Wiesbaden Kurhaus Spielbank

A historic casino where Dostoyevsky is said to have lost it all on a single spin of the roulette wheel.
Wiesbaden, Germany


A rare water-powered funicular, it uses a huge tank of water and gravity to do its work.
Stockholm, Sweden

Östermalm Echo Dome

Sound travels strangely in this underground whispering gallery.
Stockholm, Sweden

Margareta Krook's Statue

A heated statue pays tribute to one of Sweden's great actresses.
Stockholm, Sweden


A concrete mushroom that divided Stockholm residents for nearly a century.
El Encanto, Nicaragua

Isletas de Granada

This group of small islands on Lake Nicaragua formed after an eruption of the Mombacho volcano.
Lindau, Germany


A lakeside footbridge that records Nobel Prize laureates' names in metal silhouette.
Glasgow, Scotland

Provand's Lordship

The oldest house in Glasgow is now a museum dedicated to the city's medieval history.
London, England

Lincoln's Inn

This inn of the court provides a fascinating window into London’s legal and architectural history.
New York, New York

The Woolworth Building

Once the tallest building in the world and the site of "the highest dinner ever held in New York" this building now holds the most expensive penthouse in the city.
Schwangau, Germany

MarienBrücke (Maria Bridge)

A unique bridge with an equally unique view.
Stirling, Scotland

The Star Pyramid

This pyramid is dedicated to all those who suffered martyrdom for civil and religious liberty in Scotland.
Stirling, Scotland

Mar's Wark

The main residence of the Erskine family and the hereditary keeper of the nearby royal Stirling Castle.
Schwerin, Germany

Henry the Lion Monument

A city's controversial tribute to its founder depicts townspeople flashing their bare behinds.
Munich, Germany

DenkStätte Weiße Rose (White Rose Memorial Exhibition)

This poignant tribute to the White Rose movement showcases artifacts related to the heroic anti-Nazi struggle.
Athens, Greece

Magic Sphere of Helios

This mystical orb covered in strange symbols is thought to have been used in ancient Greek magical rituals.
Athens, Greece

Parilissia Iera

An often overlooked ancient site in downtown Athens with substantial history (and nature).
Munich, Germany

Ost-West-Friedenskirche (East-West Peace Church)

An Orthodox church inside a small "Garden of Eden" built by a man who had a vision.
Dresden, Germany


Tourists often confuse this beautifully ornate former cigarette factory for a mosque.
Dresden, Germany

'Der Krieg War'

A moving and macabre World War I-era painting by the great artist Otto Dix.
Kilmahog, Scotland

Falls of Leny

A tumbling waterfall near a narrow passage that was used to herd cattle for hundreds of years.