callmemichele30's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sheffield, England

Hillsborough Stadium Disaster Memorials

Three memorials honor the victims of the worst sports stadium disaster in Britain.
Eyam, England

Eyam Plague Village Museum

Eyam took steps to quarantine themselves and keep the plague from spreading.
Arkwright Town, England

Arkwright Town

When methane gas started seeping up from the ground, they picked up and moved the entire town.
Prypiat, Ukraine

Canteen 19

The dining hall that nourishes workers in Chornobyl's Exclusion Zone is also open to visitors.
Prypiat, Ukraine

Abandoned Avanhard Stadium of Prypiat

One of the most poignant ruins of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster, the local football team's stadium has been quickly reclaimed by nature.
Prypiat, Ukraine

Prypiat Amusement Park

This attraction was abandoned after the Chornobyl disaster.
Prypiat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Prypiat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum

This unassuming museum's slogan translates to “there is a limit of sadness, anxiety has no limits."
London, England

Broad Street Cholera Pump

The John Snow Memorial marks the epicenter of London's 1854 cholera epidemic.
London, England

The London Beer Flood

On October 17, 1814, a 15-ft. wave of beer ran rampant through the streets of London.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Douaumont Ossuary

This modern French ossuary contains the jumbled bones of 130,000 WWI soldiers.
Vilminore di Scalve, Italy

Gleno Dam

The sinister ruins of one of the worst dam failures of the 20th century lie in this astonishing alpine setting.
Venice, Italy

Lazzaretto Nuovo

The plague quarantine island home to the alleged "Vampire of Venice."
Ercolano, Italy


Pompeii's less famous neighbor is still revealing her secrets.

The Gates of Hell

A fiery crater has been burning in the Karakum Desert since 1971.
Sant'Agata Dé Goti, Italy

Sant'Agata de' Goti

This medieval Italian town is a sheer (and beautiful) cliffside defense.
Maddaloni, Italy

Ponti della Valle di Maddaloni

A massive bridge forms part of an aqueduct that was deemed an architectural wonder of its time.
Foresta, Italy

Ciampate del Diavolo (Devil's Footprints)

A trail of footprints discovered after a landslide was left not by the Devil, as originally believed, but by an early human ancestor.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Amphitheatre of Capua

This Roman amphitheatre was also the location of the first gladiator school.
Dawson, Pennsylvania

Body Farm in Pennsylvania

A macabre farm reserved part of its 222-acres for dead bodies, all in the name of science.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Center for PostNatural History

Mutant vegetables, transgenic mosquitos, and atomic rodents span the walls of this one-of-a-kind museum.
Gaithersburg, Maryland

World's Largest Deadweight Machine

The U.S. government built the million-pound stack of steel during the Space Race.
Fort Meade, Maryland

National Cryptologic Museum

A priceless collection of the Nation's cryptologic history.