amiemachell80's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Barcelona, Spain

Montjuïc Cemetery

This cemetery features modernist statues as strange as its name.
Paris, France

The Recumbent Effigy of Victor Noir

How did a French journalist’s grave become the sexiest statue in the cemetery?
Matera, Italy

Chiesa del Purgatorio

Skulls and skeletons are omnipresent in this church dedicated to souls trapped in purgatory.
San Martino della Battaglia, Italy

Ossario di San Martino

The skulls and bones of thousands of soldiers line the walls of this small Italian chapel.

Qinngua Valley

Welcome to the greenest place in Greenland.
Marion, Indiana

Garfield Trail

Larger-than-life sculptures of the world’s most famous cat mark the birthplace of creator Jim Davis.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wanamaker Building

The first American department store, and home to the largest operating musical instrument in the world.
Saint Annes, England

Sand Dunes of St. Anne's

On moonless nights, it's said that you can still hear the church bell of a village that was swept out of the dunes and lost to the rising sea.
San Francisco, California

Site of the Niantic

Gold Rush ship-turned-hotel buried underneath San Francisco's financial district.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Hunterian Museum

A 200-year-old collection of oddities and medical paraphernalia.
Nagoa Ash Shatb, Egypt

Temple of Kom Ombo

One of its engravings is believed to be among the first representations of medical and surgical instruments.
Independence, Missouri

Independence Temple

This otherworldly church spire reaches up toward the heavens.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Buckingham, Virginia

The Light Of Truth Universal Shrine

The flower-shaped temple in Virginia aims to transcend the boundaries of the world’s religions.
Khlong Mai, Thailand

Wat Samphran Temple

An enormous dragon scales the walls of this 17-story temple.
Nambu, Japan

Nanbu Town Dragon Tower

Scale the heights of this 100-foot play space shaped like a ferocious dragon.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Museum of Osteology and Skulls Unlimited

Collection of skeletal systems from the "world's leading supplier of osteological specimens."
Norman, Oklahoma

Pentaceratops Skull

The largest land animal skull ever discovered.
Chickasha, Oklahoma

Chickasha Leg Lamp

A 50-foot-tall replica of the infamous lamp from 'A Christmas Story' illuminates this small town.
Hakone, Japan

Old Tokaido Way

The centuries-old cobblestones of a feudal highway remain in the woods of Hakone.
Almuñécar, Spain

Fuente Calle Real

Look closely and you'll spot the remains of an ancient Roman aqueduct beside this fountain.
Christmas Island, Australia

Crabs of Christmas Island

The red crab exhibits one of the most spectacular migrations on earth, despite manmade obstacles.
Turin, Italy

Egyptian Museum of Turin

One of the oldest and most significant collections of Ancient Egyptian archeology outside of Egypt.
Arica, Chile

Museo de Sitio (In Situ Museum)

Walk on a glass floor suspended over ancient mummified remains.