laurahowlett03's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Syracuse, Italy

Fountain of Arethusa

According to Greek mythology, this natural spring is the home of a freshwater nymph.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Pontificio Santuario Maria SS "ad Rupes" (Pontifical Sanctuary of Maria SS. ad Rupes)

A monk spent 14 years carving steps through tuff to make this religious site more accessible to pilgrims.
Viggianello, Italy

Sorgente del Mercure (Mercure Wellspring)

This crystal clear water basin feeds the Lao river and powers a hydroelectric power plant.
Santa Maria Navarrese, Italy

Grotta del Fico

Packed with geological formations, an ancient river, and taxidermied seals, this overlooked coastal cave system is worth a spelunk.
Pianoro, Italy

La Balena della Val di Zena

A great white whale sculpture now sits in the location where the remains of a prehistoric cetacean were found.
Ventotene, Italy


A founding document of the European Union was written on an island where Roman emperors once banished women.
Dozza, Italy

Murals of Dozza

Since the 1960s, this small village has invited painters to decorate its walls.
Conca dei Marini, Italy

Grotto dello Smeraldo

A limestone grotto where daylight filters in from below and turns the water a beautiful turquoise. Also home to a small underwater nativity scene.
Ponza, Italy

Chiaia di Luna

This crescent-shaped beach is said to glow under the light of a full moon.
Cervara di Roma, Italy

Cervara di Roma

The second-highest village in Lazio has attracted artists for 400 years and is now a spectacular open-air art gallery.
Lampedusa e Linosa, Italy

Rabbit Islet

Contrary to what its name suggests, you won't find any bunnies here.
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Ponte degli Alpini

Destroyed numerous times, this centuries-old bridge has always been rebuilt with its original design.
Isola di Ponza, Italy

Grotte di Pilato

These artificial caves crafted by ancient Romans were elaborate fish farms for moray eels.
Luras, Italy

Olivastri Millenari

At an estimated 3,800 years old, this olive tree is one of the oldest on earth.
Civitacampomarano, Italy

CVTà Street Fest

A medieval Italian village is fighting depopulation with this vibrant annual street art festival.
Avezzano, Italy

Tunnels of Claudius

This Roman underground canal was the longest tunnel ever built until the late 19th-century.
Nemoli, Italy

Lake Sirino

This small but lovely sinkhole lake is the last remnant of a great prehistoric water basin.
Labante, Italy

Grotte di Labante

South of Bologna, a limestone grotto with a protruding waterfall and a floor full of cave pearls.
Ercolano, Italy

Vintage Market of Pugliano

For decades, vendors have sold clothes once worn by American soldiers who stormed Italy in the 1940s.
Osimo, Italy

Grotte di Osimo

A series of caves, tunnels, and wells filled with fascinating figures and symbols.
Cittadella, Italy

Cittadella City Walls

Featuring the last fully walkable parapet walkway in Europe.
Cropani, Italy

Bosco Magnano Waterfall

The pristine waters crossing this forest form a hidden waterfall among the dense vegetation.
Carpello, Italy

Lake Posta Fibreno

This serene, turquoise lake in an extraordinary nature reserve showcases a rare natural phenomenon.
Iglesias, Italy

Nebida Laveria

On the coast of Sardinia, a once-great mining village is finding new life as a coastal resort town.