q4x5rqbbbg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

The Cross at Ground Zero

Pulled from the rubble of one of the worst modern tragedies, a steel crossbeam became a symbol of hope for New Yorkers.
New York, New York

Trinity Churchyard

This cemetery has graves dating back to the 17th century, including the city's oldest carved tombstone and an ominous cryptogram.
New York, New York

Alice in Wonderland Statue

This whimsical group of statues is a favorite of children who love to climb all over Lewis Carroll's beloved characters.
New York, New York

Strawberry Fields Memorial

This mosaic dedicated to John Lennon was tended for years by a Beatles super-fan.
New York, New York

Fearless Girl Statue

Wall Street has a new heroine, a bronze statue of a small but fierce girl.
New York, New York

Rudolph de Harak Digital Clock

The façade of this building looks like a bingo board, but it's really a giant clock by a famed graphic designer.
New York, New York

Titanic Memorial

Manhattan's lighthouse, erected at the insistence of the unsinkable Molly Brown.
New York, New York

Brooklyn Bridge Love Locks

A popular European tradition makes its way to the states on one of America's most famous bridges.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Infinite Corridor

This nearly endless university hallway is home to a unique sunset known as "MIThenge."
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Glasgow, Montana

Fort Peck Dam

This record-setting hydraulic dam in the Montana badlands was one of FDR's most ambitious public works.
Pray, Montana

Chico Hot Springs Giant Chicken

The formidable fowl can be found standing near an isolated hiking path.
Anchorage, Alaska

Anchorage Light Speed Planet Walk

A high school astronomy enthusiast designed this model of our solar system to be traversed on foot.
Fairbanks, Alaska


The sculpture's largest spire points directly toward the North Star.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Lend-Lease Monument

This super-sized statue is the only public memorial to the deal that ended America's neutrality during World War II.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Fairbanks Antler Arch

A morbid gateway to an Alaska town prides itself on the hunting history it represents.
North Pole, Alaska

Santa Claus House

A trading post in the North Pole where children send letters.
Galway, Ireland

Seven Churches

While only two of the ancient buildings at this site are actually churches this was one of the earliest Irish pilgrimage sites ever.
Adare, Ireland

Adare Manor

An unusual manor of stunning beauty, born out of a crippling disease.
Dublin, Ireland

Dublin Whiskey Fire

A devastating booze inferno poured through the streets, claiming several victims who drank it.
Coloma, California

James Marshall Monument

His discovery kicked off the Gold Rush. One of the hands on this commemorative statue points to the spot where he found the precious metal.
Dublin, Ireland

Kilmainham Gaol

One of Ireland's most infamous prisons for rebels including men, women and children.
Dublin, Ireland

The Proclamation Sculpture

A particularly disconcerting tribute to Irish martyrs.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.