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Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Wax Museum

An incredibly random collection of wax figures is displayed in a shopping center walkway.
Yaropolets, Russia

The Church of Our Lady of Kazan

An unusual abandoned church damaged in World War II sits in a small village outside Moscow.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin Museum

One of the last examples of Soviet architectural propaganda has a few technological tricks up its sleeve.

Ganina Yama

Monastery complex at the location where bodies of the executed Romanov royal family were discovered.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Museum of Sound

An unusual collection of self-made musical instruments and unique noises.
Moscow, Russia

Gorki Leninskiye

Former estate of Lenin, now home to his death mask.
Medvezhyegorsky District, Russia


An abandoned town of skeletal wooden homes.
Volgograd, Russia

'The Motherland Calls'

The world's tallest statue of a woman wields the world's tallest sword and is at risk of toppling over.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mosaic Courtyard

A city block packed with whimsical sculptures that seem to be plucked from a tiled fantasy world.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Museum of Hygiene

This Russian museum stresses the importance of keeping clean and even holds one of Pavlov's dogs.
Yekaterinburg, Russia

The Church on the Blood

Church built on the site where the last tsar of Russia and his family were killed.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Grand Maket Rossiya (Grand Model of Russia)

A scale model of Russia so big visitors are offered binoculars to rent so they can see the whole thing.
Kazan, Russia

Soviet Lifestyle Museum

This nostalgic Russian museum is full of USSR cultural artifacts from the 1970s and 80s.
Tambov, Russia

Museum of Sin

A homemade anatomical collection of medical anomalies and accidental catastrophes.
Solovetskiy, Russia

Bolshoi Zayatsky Island

No one knows why ancient labyrinths were built on this tiny northern island.
Moscow, Russia

State Darwin Museum

The world's first museum dedicated to the work of game-changing naturalist Charles Darwin.
Bolshoye Andreykovo, Russia

Kostroma Moose Farm

The USSR’s Conquest of Nature lead to the domestication of many moose—no squirrel.
Moscow, Russia

Melnikov House

The avant-garde design was able to bypass strict Soviet regulations on architecture.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Freud's Dream Museum

Dark, eerie exhibits make for a surreal exploration of the subconscious.
Moscow, Russia

Soviet Dacha

This frozen-in-time summer home outside Moscow provides a look at Russian life in the 1950s.
Dmitrovsky District, Russia

Young Pioneer Camp

A Marxist summer camp full of fantastical statues lies tucked away and forgotten in the forests of Moscow.
Moscow, Russia

Hotel Ukraina

The tallest hotel in Europe.
Moscow, Russia


An early-20th-century "dacha" village of quaint cottages curiously located in a modern part of Moscow.
Olkhonsky District, Russia

Baikal Seals

Some of the world's only freshwater seals live in one very special lake in Russia.