emmec's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Woodstock, Vermont

Five Elm Arches

An artist sees trees as a medium for sculpture.
Cornish, New Hampshire

Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park

The summer home and later final residence of acclaimed American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens.
Montpelier, Vermont

Green Mount Cemetery

Beautiful hillside Vermont cemetery with amazing funerary art.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
Stowe, Vermont

Emily’s Bridge

This New England covered bridge is home to the tale of a jilted lover known to haunt the area.
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Dog Chapel

A small chapel celebrating the spiritual bond between dogs and humans.
Durham, New Hampshire

Milne Nature Sanctuary

A quiet spot commemorating two naturalists who had to choose between love and the university at which they both taught.
New Portland, Maine

Wire Bridge

This Maine bridge may be the last wire-supported bridge of its type in the world.
Ripton, Vermont

Robert Frost Interpretive Trail

This charming woodland trail is peppered with poetry.
Hancock, Vermont

Texas Falls

An ancient glacial pothole waterfall in the heart of the Green Mountains.
South Burlington, Vermont

'Reverence' (Whales Tails)

A pair of black granite tails dive into a sea of grass in landlocked Vermont.
Castleton, Vermont

Taconic Mountain Ramble Zen Gardens

This magnificent Japanese garden provides a moment of Zen in rural Vermont.
Petersburg, New York

The Snow Hole

This locally-famous crevasse in New York State is icy all year round.
Williamstown, Massachusetts

The Spruces

This abandoned neighborhood is now a park filled with beautiful trees, wildflowers, and hints of its past.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Harmonic Bridge

Resonating tubes make music from highway overpass.
Goshen, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Sanctuary

A stunning garden filled with fantastical environmental folk art and sculptures.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Glacial Potholes

Over 50 whirling pools left behind from the glacial age.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Bridge of Flowers

An old trolley bridge was converted into a breathtaking garden bursting with colorful flowers.
Holyoke, Massachusetts

Eyrie House Ruins

The walkable ruins of an 19th century hotel, destroyed in a horse cremation gone wrong.
Amherst, Massachusetts

The Rausch Mineral Gallery

A unique collection of more than 250 rocks and minerals located on a university campus.
Williamstown, Vermont

Knight's Spider Web Farm

The "original web site," this farm in Northern Vermont encourages orb-weaver spiders to build their daily webs, and then sells the preserved masterpieces.
Graniteville, Vermont

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Tour the world's largest deep-hole dimension granite quarry, where you can view the plant where gravestones are made and roll a ball down the outdoor granite bowling alley.
Rutland, Vermont

Wilson Castle

A beautiful, creepy 19th-century castle stands incongruously in rural Vermont.
Ludlow, Vermont

Okemo Fire Tower

A 60-foot-tall tower provides unparalleled views of the southern Green Mountains.