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Places visited in Abiquiu, New Mexico
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Marathon, Texas

Eve's Garden B&B and Ecology Resource Center

An unusual bed & breakfast made of papercrete.
Marfa, Texas

Stardust Motel Sign

This old abandoned sign flickers to announce a motel that isn't even there.
Sandia Park, New Mexico


"I did this all while you were watching TV."
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Origami in the Garden

Giant origami sculptures tucked into desert scenery beckon passers-by to explore further.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Los Cerrillos

This sparsely populated town offers a look back in time.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.
Abiquiu, New Mexico

Penitente Morada of Abiquiú

The building stands within a quiet, postcard-perfect New Mexico village.
Abiquiu, New Mexico

Ghost Ranch

Its history includes dinosaur fossils, cattle rustlers, Georgia O'Keeffe, and a mythical giant rattlesnake named Vivaron.
Abiquiu, New Mexico

Echo Amphitheater

Natural sonic phenomenon comes with a grisly legend of murder and blood.
Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Jensen, Utah

Quarry Exhibit Hall

Inside this striking glass building, visitors can see thousands of dinosaur fossils in the positions that nature deposited them more than 150 million years ago.
Oakley, Utah

Oakley Diner

What's a diner from the 1939 World's Fair doing in a remote Utah mountain town?
Salt Lake City, Utah


The location along the shores of the Great Salt Lake of what was once called, "The Coney Island of the West", now sits barren due to arson and time.
Wendover, Utah

Metaphor: The Tree of Utah

A 90-foot-tall psychedelic "tree" on the side of the highway has baffled passersby for decades.
Wendover, Utah

Bonneville Salt Flats / Bonneville Speedway

Come for the speed, leave in love with the desert.
Winnemucca, Nevada

Winnemucca to the Sea Highway Marker

This giant slab of driftwood marks the beginning of the Winnemucca to the Sea Highway.
Princeton, Oregon

Steens Mountain

With a crest near 10,000 feet, this treeless fault-block mountain in eastern Oregon provides stunning views and spectacular glacial landforms.
New Princeton, Oregon

Alvord Desert

At the base of Steens Mountain resides an otherworldly desert.
Kanab, Utah

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

Colorful sand dunes create a unique attraction in this part of Utah's red-rock country.
Old Station, California

Painted Dunes

Sunset-colored dunes of volcanic ash make taking a poor photo impossible.
Ashland, Oregon

Lithia Water Fountain

A public fountain that spouts "health water" from a nearby spring.
Ashland, Oregon

Allen Elizabethan Theatre

Shakespeare has been brought to life in this open air theater for the better part of a century.
Bandon, Oregon

Face Rock

According to legend, this rock represents a young girl trapped by an evil ocean spirit.
Florence, Oregon

Exploding Whale Memorial Park

Fifty years after a “blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds,” this idyllic natural area commemorates the carnage.