mundster88's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Britt, Iowa

National Hobo Convention

Largest gathering of hobos in the country has been meeting annually since 1900.
Dubuque, Iowa

Crystal Lake Cave

An underground wonderland in Iowa.
Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa

Maharishi Vedic City

An unlikely Transcendental Meditation haven in the American Heartland built around the ancient Vedic principles of balance and harmony.
Des Moines, Iowa

West End Architectural Salvage

Piled high inside this warehouse and coffee shop are salvaged goods that span every corner of the globe.
Edgewood, Iowa

Ice Cave of Bixby State Preserve

Chilly air billows out from the entrance of an abandoned mine on a steep hillside, providing a refuge for Ice Age fauna and flora.
Dubuque, Iowa

Union Park

The remains of a bustling turn-of-the-century park built to showcase the wonders of electricity.
Dexter, Iowa

Bonnie and Clyde Dexter Shootout Marker

The notorious couple camped at this site after a bloody shootout with police.
Ida Grove, Iowa

Castles of Ida Grove

An eclectic assortment of medieval architecture in a small Iowa town.
Dyersville, Iowa

Field of Dreams Movie Site

A pop-culture attraction outside of Dyersville, Iowa, hits a home run.
Britt, Iowa

The Hobo Museum

An old town theater converted into a celebration of the hobo legacy.
Eldon, Iowa

American Gothic House

Home with Gothic windows featured in a famous painting.
West Bend, Iowa

Father Paul Dobberstein's Grotto of the Redemption

A four story, football field-sized, nine-grotto creation made of shells, minerals, and rare stones.
Hermosa, South Dakota

Spokane Ghost Town

Despite repeated attempts to make it work, this former mining town is now nothing but dust and memories.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Thunderhead Underground Falls

A waterfall 600 ft. inside a mountain, once the bane of gold miners, is now a spectacle of nature.
Lead, South Dakota

Homestake Open Cut

Before its closure in 2002, this South Dakota mine was the largest and deepest gold mine in Western Hemisphere.
Argonne, South Dakota

Argonne Ghost Town

Once a thriving town of 100, Argonne was abandoned around 1970.
Capa, South Dakota

Capa Ghost Town

A crumbling ghost town on the South Dakota prairie.
Creston, South Dakota

Creston Dinosaur

A relic of roadside lore and perhaps the first of its kind in North America.
Conata, South Dakota


A ghost town now swarming with dozens of prairie dogs.
Vermillion, South Dakota

Spirit Mound Historic Prairie

Known as "The Hill of the Little Devils."
Garretson, South Dakota

Palisades State Park

The cliff and rock formations are made out of Sioux Quartzite.
Lemmon, South Dakota

Kokomo Gallery

This sculpture gallery is home to magnificent beasts made of scrap metal and found objects.
Ardmore, South Dakota

Ardmore Ghost Town

Abandoned businesses, homes, and rusted cars are all that remains of this stopover town.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."