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Places added to Pakistan
Bangkok, Thailand

Elephant Building

This Bangkok high-rise looks like a rudimentary LEGO elephant.
Bangkok, Thailand

Democracy Monument

Bangkok celebrated its shifting monarchy with a militaristic homage to democracy.
Bangkok, Thailand

Erawan Shrine

A shrine built to combat the bad karma of a commercial venture.
Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Death Railway Bridge

This bridge made famous in a novel and on-screen wasn't actually built over the river Kwai.
Bangkok, Thailand

Giant Swing

For centuries young Thai men used this Giant Swing as a slingshot to heaven.
Tambon Nong Lu, Thailand

Wat Saam Prasob, the Sunken Temple

During the rainy season, this temple is almost entirely submerged, accessible only by boat.
ambon Kalai, Thailand

Ko Ta Pu (James Bond Island)

A tall karst islet popularized by 007.
Bangkok, Thailand

Amulet Market

Bangkok's men with dangerous jobs come here in search of protective talismans.
Mae Klong, Thailand

Maeklong Railway Market

Six times a day a train runs right through the middle of this Thai street market, sending vendors scrambling.
Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok's Ghost Tower: The Sathorn Unique

permanently closed
On stormy days debris from this unfinished and abandoned skyscraper rains down on the Bangkok streets.
Quito, Ecuador

El Panecillo

A short volcanic hill in Quito doubles as a stellar observation point of an iconic statue.
Quito, Ecuador

Palacio de Carondelet

Ecuador’s historic seat of government has been quietly looted in recent decades, and no one knows how or by whom.
Quito, Ecuador

Calle García Moreno

This historic street in Quito is known for its seven stone crosses—and one presidential assassination.
Quito, Ecuador

Museo Franciscano del Padre Almeida

This overlooked, beautiful convent hides an original Hieronymus Bosch among its many treasures.
Quito, Ecuador

La Carolina Park

This huge green space packed with activities will make you forget you're in the middle of the Ecuadorian capital.
Quito, Ecuador

Virgen de El Panecillo

The world's tallest aluminum statue is also the world's tallest image of a winged Virgin Mary.
Quito, Ecuador

La Virgen de Quito

This 12-inch-tall wooden sculpture of a winged Virgin Mary has inspired much devotion and countless replicas.
Quito, Ecuador

La Plaza Grande

Quito's historic, main square dates back to the 16th century.
Quito, Ecuador

Basílica del Voto Nacional

Legend says if this neo-Gothic basilica is ever officially completed, the world will come to an end.
Quito, Ecuador

Teleférico Quito

The gondolas let you glimpse a bird's-eye view of one of the world's highest capital cities.
San Antonio de Pichincha, Ecuador

Middle of the World

An elaborate shrine dedicated to the four corners of the world unfortunately misses its mark.

Laguna Quilotoa

A turquoise lake within a volcanic crater.
Cape Town, South Africa

Foreshore Freeway Bridge

Despite many attempts to finish this overpass, it has been abandoned since the 1970s.
Soweto, South Africa

Orlando Towers

Two giant painted cooling towers make for one of the world’s most epic bungee jumps.