Fred Cherrygarden's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cumbria, England

Hardknott Roman Fort

One of the highest Roman forts in Britain is set amid dramatic scenery on a notoriously difficult road.
Oxford, England

The Bear Inn

This centuries-old pub boasts a collection of more than 4,500 snippets of neckties from around the world.
Coventry, England

Ford's Hospital

For over 500 years this timbered alms house has provided a home for elderly residents of Coventry.
Covehithe, England

Ruins of St Andrew's Covehithe

A 17th-century church is nestled within the walls of a 15th-century ruin.
Kirkstall, England

Kirkstall Abbey

Artists have long been drawn to these atmospheric 12th-century ruins.
Northumberland, England

Winter's Gibbet

A lone pole once used to display a man's corpse now stands empty, but the memory remains.
Mistley, England

Old Knobbley

This ancient oak tree sheltered accused "witches" in the 17th century.
Beverley, England

Beverley Messenger Rabbit

Lewis Carroll's White Rabbit or something else altogether?
Wakefield, England

Sandal Castle

Though much of the castle was robbed of its stones, the underlying earthworks are among the best-preserved in England.
North Yorkshire, England

Swaledale Corpse Way

A winding medieval path was used by mourners to carry their dead to the nearest church.
Bridge of Allan, Scotland

Ben Gunn's Cave

A carved bench marks the Scottish cave that inspired the classic adventure novel "Treasure Island."
Redruth, England

Carn Brea Castle

A 14th century castle built on the seat of a mighty giant.
Nottinghamshire, England

Rufford Abbey

The undercroft is a spectacular example of medieval Cistercian architecture.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
London, England

Strand Lane 'Roman Baths'

Victorian-era Londoners really wanted to believe this 17th-century cistern was actually an ancient artifact.
Tintagel, England

Tintagel Post Office

A whimsical cottage from the 1300s with a preserved Victorian-era post office inside.
London, England

The Aurochs Skull

The gigantic skull of a long-extinct species that once roamed the forests of England and Ireland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Hanging Stanes

A pair of stones embedded in an Edinburgh street memorialize one of the city's last public hangings.
Kent, England

Saltwood Castle

This Norman castle has been the scene of assassination plots, religious persecution, and Nazi conspiracies throughout its long history.
Haddington, Scotland

St Martin’s Kirk

These ruins of a medieval church are full of architectural mysteries.
Nottinghamshire, England

King John's Palace Ruins

These bleak 800-year-old ruins were once the royal residence of choice for hunting in Sherwood Forest.
Newark-on-Trent, England

The Newark Castle Remains

This English medieval castle is where King John died of dysentery.
Highland, Scotland

Cawdor Castle

The location of this historic castle was inspired by a donkey.
Beer, England

Beer Quarry Caves

This Roman quarry once held secret masses and smuggler's contraband and is now home to rare species of bats.