FuriousGoose's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
London, England

Kew Gardens Underground Aquarium

A marine aquarium with an astounding variety of fish hides in the basement beneath the famous Palm House.
London, England

Clowns' Gallery and Museum

Three small rooms at the back of the “official” church of London's clowns.
London, England

Black Museum

Since 1874, this macabre collection has developed into a museum devoted to Scotland Yard's mementos of dastardly deeds.
London, England

St. Sepulchre's Execution Bell

On the eve of a condemned prisoner's death, this bell rang 12 times outside their cell.
London, England

Whitechapel Fatberg Manhole Cover

It celebrates a very stinky task and salutes London's fatberg-vanquishing team.
London, England

London's Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Legend says these colorful, invasive residents are the descendants of birds released by Jimi Hendrix.
London, England

The Blind Beggar

This East End pub gained notoriety as the site where gangster Ronnie Kray publicly shot a rival.
London, England

Walbrook Skulls

It's a mystery why these remains were found with no traces of their bodies in sight.
London, England

WWT London Wetland Centre

London's marvelous wildfowl reserve along the Thames.
London, England

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Vectors of Disease Frieze

The Art Deco artwork depicts gilded carriers of deadly illnesses.
London, England

Water Dragons of Kew Gardens

These docile dragons are ideal inhabitants for the conservatory greenhouses.
London, England

Anaesthesia Heritage Centre

This knockout museum lies in a sleepy corner of London.
London, England

The Charterhouse Black Death Skeleton

This historic building displays the remains of a victim of the devastating 14th-century plague.
London, England

Horniman Aquarium

A wonderfully eclectic Victorian aquarium lies in the basement of the Horniman Museum.
London, England

Still Life

Hackney's newest private museum and natural curiosity shop.
London, England

The Attendant, Fitzrovia

Drink your espresso at a Victorian-era urinal in this underground-restroom-turned-coffee-bar.
London, England

'Monument for a Dead Parrot'

The sculpture of the deceased cockatoo flops atop its personal plinth.
London, England

St. Nicholas Church Memento Mori

These morbid carvings remind churchgoers of the inevitability of death.
London, England

The London Library

More than a million titles fill the labyrinthine shelves of this prestigious private library.
London, England

Get Stuffed

Taxidermied animals galore, by appointment only.
London, England

Site of Execution Dock

Where condemned pirates met their grisly end at the gallows on the River Thames.
London, England

The Deadhouse

Tombstones and enigmatic inscriptions hide within a vault beneath a popular London arts venue.