Gwenhwyfar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Holywood, Scotland

Garden of Cosmic Speculation

A 30-acre garden inspired by the principles of modern physics.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools

These fantastically named natural pools look like something out of a Scottish myth.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Salzburg, Austria

Dom Museum's Kunst und Wunderkammer

The amazing wonder cabinets of a very rich Austrian archbishop.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Sewer System

Vienna's underworld of tunnels and subterranean rivers made an iconic appearance in a 1949 Orson Welles film.
Dienersdorf, Austria

Gsellmann's Weltmaschine

"World machine" built by an untrained Austrian farmer.
Riegersburg, Austria

Riegersburg Castle

A centuries old castle atop a dormant volcano houses museums devoted to both women and witches.
Graz, Austria

Styrian Armoury

The world's largest historic armory was established by independent citizens to defend themselves from the wars of larger forces.
Graz, Austria

Fairytale Grotto Line

Fantastic stories on a miniature railroad.
Graz, Austria

Kunsthaus Graz

Austria's ultra-modern art museum looks like Cthulhu's giant alien heart.
Graz, Austria


Resting in the middle of an Austrian river, this sci-fi "island" lets people cross in neon style.
Graz, Austria

The Stairs of Reconciliation

Double spiral staircases are not unheard of, but they are very rare.
Belgrade, Serbia

Igrali Se Konji Vrani (Black Horses at Play)

The unusual sculptures are believed to be powerful political symbols.
Belgrade, Serbia

Pobednik (The Victor) Monument

A towering spire in the fortress of Kalemegdan honors the victorious armies of Serbia during their struggles against the Ottoman Empire.
Zvezdan, Serbia

Ruins of Felix Romuliana at Gamzigrad

Imperial palace of Emperor Galerius, the Emperor behind the worst Christian persecutions during the Roman Empire.
Jabuka, Serbia

Stratište Memorial Complex

An abandoned monument remembering the "Pančevo Holocaust" now stands as a shadow of its former self.
Kruševac, Serbia

Slobodište Memorial Park

Curious carved stones and bird-like wings are a symbol of Serbian resilience and freedom on the site of a WWII massacre.
Kragujevac, Serbia

Šumarice Memorial Park

Abstract monuments express sorrow and resilience at the site of a horrific massacre in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
Štulac, Serbia

Popina Memorial Park

Serbia's master of striking memorials erected a forgotten, hidden gem in the hills outside a tiny village.
Novi Bečej, Serbia


Despite being pillaged and destroyed a number over times down the centuries, this historic church still sort of stands.
Subotica, Serbia

Subotica's Art Nouveau Synagogue

Religious perseverance and cultural coexistence manifest in an architectural gem that multiple wars couldn't topple.
Zlatiborski okrug, Serbia

Kadinjača Memorial Complex

A grand Yugoslav memorial to the group of partisans who fought and died resisting western Serbia’s Nazi occupation.
Belgrade, Serbia

Western City Gate of Belgrade

A pair of connected skyscrapers form this symbolic gateway.