hallcathi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Suffolk, Virginia

Great Dismal Swamp

An out-of-the-way wildlife haven with a rich and storied past of harboring thousands of fugitive slaves, or "Maroons" during the mid 1800s.
Corolla, North Carolina

Currituck Beach Lighthouse

Beautiful Gothic-inspired lighthouse stands out among the run-of-the-mill striped fare on Bodies Island.
Manteo, North Carolina

William B. Umstead Bridge

So many migrating birds roost on the bridge, it has a special summer speed limit.
Captiva, Florida

The Bubble Room

This kitsch eatery is chock-a-block with bric-a-brac.
Marco Island, Florida

Cape Romano Dome House

An abandoned vacation home spent a decade taking on legends. It's now taking on water.
New Iberia, Louisiana

Jungle Gardens

A swamp and garden tour featuring local wildlife and exotic botanical specimens from around the world.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
North Fort Myers, Florida

The Shell Factory

The largest retailer of seashells in the world.
Fort Myers, Florida

Edison & Ford Winter Estates

One-time winter retreats of prolific inventor Thomas Edison and his friend Henry Ford.
Estero, Florida

Koreshan State Historic Site

Former utopian colony based on the belief that the universe exists in a hollow sphere.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Louisville, Kentucky

Muhammad Ali Gravesite

One of the greatest boxers and humanitarians to ever live chose his hometown as his final resting place.
Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Bernheim Forest Giants

Visitors to this arboretum are greeted by three smiling giants crafted from sustainable materials.