HallienWorkshop's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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HallienWorkshop's activity rankings
Places visited in Forks, Washington
Places visited in Amarillo, Texas
Places visited in Lucerne, Switzerland
Places visited in Burlington, Vermont
Places visited in Taos, New Mexico
Places visited in Charlotte, North Carolina
Places visited in Baker, Nevada
Places visited in Montrose, Colorado
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Seattle, Washington

Evergreen Point Floating Bridge

The longest and widest floating bridge in the world.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Dusty Strings

This music school doubles as a store for unique, hand-crafted, and hard-to-find instruments.
Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres

The tech giant built three enormous glass orbs in Seattle so employees could work inside a rainforest greenhouse.
Tacoma, Washington

Spanish Steps

A Roman holiday is closer than you think when you use this 1916 staircase inspired by Rome's Piazza di Spagna.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Forks, Washington

One Square Inch of Silence

A tiny red pebble marks what may be the quietest outdoor spot in the United States.
Forks, Washington

Hall of Mosses

Stroll through a wonderland of stupendous moss-covered trees.
Sequim, Washington

Dandelion Botanical Company

Essence of hound's tongue and tincture of bloodroot are just the tip of the herbalist iceberg at this beautiful, impressively-stocked apothecary.
Old Town, Washington

Dungeness Spit

The longest spit in the United States ends at a lighthouse in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Forks, Washington

Kalaloch Big Cedar

This tree has witnessed nearly 1,000 years of history.
Forks, Washington

Kalaloch Tree of Life

This large Sitka spruce that appears to be floating in mid-air, has defied logic for years.
La Push, Washington

Rialto Beach Tree Graveyard

Shoreline strewn with the remains of ghostly fallen trees.
Forks, Washington

John's Beachcombing Museum

One man's eclectic collection of treasures found at sea.
Forks, Washington

Forks Timber Museum

A glimpse into the "Logging Capital of the World" at a time when there was far more forest and far less machinery.
Forks, Washington

Second Beach

A surreal landscape where fanged rocks rise from the ground and the ocean feels like a great mystery.
Seattle, Washington

Elephant Car Wash Sign

Now housed in a museum, this giant pink elephant stood in downtown Seattle for more than 60 years.
Richmond, British Columbia

RAPS Cat Sanctuary

One of the largest cat sanctuaries in North America is considered a "Club Med" for felines.
Whistler, British Columbia

Whistler Train Wreck

The remains of a Canadian train crash are now mouldering beneath layers of rust and graffiti.
Stockholm, Sweden

Margareta Krook's Statue

A heated statue pays tribute to one of Sweden's great actresses.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Morgondagens Väder' ('Tomorrow's Weather')

An abstract representation of weather in Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden


A concrete mushroom that divided Stockholm residents for nearly a century.
Stockholm, Sweden

Bistro Nobel Signed Chairs

Maybe the only restaurant in the world where your seat will be signed by a Nobel laureate.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kastellet Stockholm

The Swedish flag over this small naval fort signals that the nation is at peace.